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Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2025). Model-based fault simulation and detection for gauge-sensorized strain wave gears . In Proceedings of the 11th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 25) . Vienna (Austria).
Kruse, T., Griebel, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Adaptive Kalman filtering: Measurement and process noise covariance estimation using Kalman smoothing . IEEE Access , 13 , 11863-11875.
Landgraf, D., Wietzke, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Stochastic model predictive control with switched latent force models . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference . Thessaloniki (Greece).
Pierer von Esch, M., Nistler, E., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Sensitivity-based distributed NMPC: Experimental results for a levitating planar motion system . IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology .
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). A fixed-point iteration scheme for sensitivity-based distributed optimal control . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control .
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Asynchronous sensitivity-based distributed optimal control for nonlinear systems . In Proceedings of the 2025 American Control Conference (ACC) . Denver, CO (USA).
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Sensitivity-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems under Inexact Optimization . Optimal Control Applications & Methods , (accepted) .
Santer, P., Reinhard, J., Schindler, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Detection of localized bearing faults in PMSMs by means of envelope analysis and wavelet packet transform using motor speed and current signals . Mechatronics , 106 .
Wietzke, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Physics-informed sparse Gaussian processes for model predictive control in building energy systems . In Proceedings of the 11th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 25) . Vienna (Austria).
Wietzke, T., Landgraf, D., & Graichen, K. (2025). Application of stochastic model predictive control for building energy systems using latent force models . At-Automatisierungstechnik , (accepted) .
Cherian, A.J., Michalka, A., Murray, K., Roell, G., & Graichen, K. (2024). Control approaches for operating point stabilization of microring resonator modulators under fast perturbations . In Graham T. Reed, Andrew P. Knights (Eds.), Proceedings Silicon Photonics XIX (pp. 128910D). SPIE.
Conrad, P., & Graichen, K. (2024). A sensitivity-based approach to self-triggered nonlinear model predictive control . IEEE Access , 12 , 153243-153252.
Dahlmann, J., Graichen, K., & Völz, A. (2024). Ein Konzept zum automatisierten Rangieren von Fahrzeugen mit Anhängern .
Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Lukassek, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). Local predictive optimization of globally planned motions for truck-trailer systems . IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 32 (5), 1555-1568.
Goller, T., Brohm, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). DMP-based path planning for model predictive interaction control . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 128-133). Stockholm (Sweden).
Goller, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). A Programming by Demonstration Approach for Robotic Manipulation with Model Predictive Interaction Control . In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 799-804). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
Goppelt-Schneider, F., Schmidt-Vollus, R., & Graichen, K. (2024). Trajectory tracking control for multilevel pressure boosting systems . In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) . Sinaia, Romania.
Hippe, P. (2024). Design of MIMO PI-compensators without exponentially unstable poles . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 72 (4), 271-280.
Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). Fault detection in gauge-sensorized strain wave gears . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 26-33). Stockholm (Sweden).
Kögler, P., Dahlmann, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). Side-Slip Compensation in Model Predictive Path Following Control for General-n-Trailer Systems . In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) . Sinaia, Romania.
Lukassek, M., Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Model predictive path-following control for truck–trailer systems with specific guidance points - Design and experimental validation . Mechatronics , 100 , 103190.
Löhe, K., Reinhard, J., Petrasch, N., Kallabis, S., Graichen, K., & Mucha, M. (2024). Work Roll Speed Drop Compensation for Hot Strip Mills Reduces Drivetrain Wear and Increases Strip Quality . In AISTech 2024 — Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference (pp. 1212-1223). Columbus, OH, US: Warrendale, PA: Association for Iron and Steel Technology.
Pierer von Esch, M., Landgraf, D., Steffel, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Distributed stochastic optimal control of nonlinear systems based on ADMM . In Proceedings of the 63th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2024) . Milan (Italy).
Pierer von Esch, M., Landgraf, D., Steffel, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Distributed Stochastic Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems based on ADMM . IEEE Control Systems Letters , 8 , 424-429.
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Asynchronous ADMM for Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems . Optimal Control Applications & Methods .
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-based distributed model predictive control: synchronous and asynchronous execution compared to ADMM . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 72 (2), 91-106.
Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control: Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution Compared to ADMM . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 72 (2), 91-106.
Rabenstein, G., Ullrich, L., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sampling for model predictive trajectory planning in autonomous driving using normalizing flows . In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2024) (pp. 2091-2096). Jeju Island (Korea).
Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). Optimal dynamic current control for externally excited synchronous machines . In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 146-152). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., Petrasch, N., Kallabis, S., & Graichen, K. (2024). Dynamic compensation of the threading speed drop in rolling processes . Journal of Process Control , 137 , 103197.
Schumann, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). PINN-based dynamical modeling and state estimation in power inverters . In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) . Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Snobar, F., Michalka, A., Horn, M., Strohmeyer, C., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-based moving horizon estimation of road friction . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 718-724). Stockholm (Sweden).
Südhoff, T., Ebner, L., Schmidt, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). GP-based modeling for PSD control of emulsification processes . In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) . Sinaia, Romania.
Tang, Y., & Moor, T. (2024). Compositional non-blockingness verification of finite automata with prioritised events . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications .
Ullrich, L., Buchholz, M., Dietmayer, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). AI safety assurance for automated vehicles: A survey on research, standardization, regulation . IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles .
Ullrich, L., Buchholz, M., Dietmayer, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). Expanding the Classical V-Model for the Development of Complex Systems Incorporating AI . IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles .
Ullrich, L., McMaster, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Transfer learning study of motion transformer based trajectory predictions . In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2024) (pp. 110-117). Jeju Island (Korea).
Verhoolen, A., Geißelbrecht, M., Kadar, J., Preuster, P., Wasserscheid, P., & Graichen, K. (2024). Bayesian optimization of operating points of a continuous perhydro-dibenzyltoluene dehydrogenation reactor . International Journal of Energy Research .
Wietzke, T., Gall, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). Occupancy Prediction for Building Energy Systems with Latent Force Models . Energy and Buildings , 113968.
Dio, M., Demir, O., Trachte, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Safe active learning and probabilistic design of experiment for autonomous hydraulic excavators . In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 9685-9690). Detroit, US.
Dio, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Cooperative dual-arm control for heavy object manipulation based on hierarchical quadratic programming . In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 643-648). Detroit, US.
Frank, R., Wittmann, L.-M., Kleffel, T., Roth, B., Graichen, K., & Drummer, D. (2023). Investigating the Integration of Nonwoven Carbon Fibers for Mechanical Enhancement in Compression Molded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bipolar Plates . Polymers , 15 (19).
Geiling, J., Wagner, L., Auer, F., Ortner, F., Nuß, A., Seyfried, R.,... Preuster, P. (2023). Operational experience with a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) system for bidirectional storage of electrical energy over 725 h . Journal of Energy Storage , 72 .
Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Model predictive interaction control for robotic manipulation tasks . IEEE Transactions on Robotics , 39 (1), 76-89.
Harder, K., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2023). Hierarchical model predictive control for an off-highway Diesel engine with SCR catalyst . International Journal of Engine Research .
Hippe, P. (2023). Simplified MIMO design of observer-based PI control in view of input saturation . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 71 (3), 179-186.
Hippe, P. (2023). Time domain design of PI-C controllers Zeitbereichsentwurf von PI-C-Reglern . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 71 (6), 467-475.
Hoffmann, M., Braun, S., Sura, O., Stelzig, M., Schüßler, C., Graichen, K., & Vossiek, M. (2023). Concept for an Automatic Annotation of Automotive Radar Data Using AI-segmented Aerial Camera Images . In Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference . Sydney, NSW, AU: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Jalilian, A., Schwarz, N., Völz, A., & Ritschel, R. (2023). Cascaded Disturbance Compensation for MPC-based Autonomous Vehicle Guidance . In 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2023 (pp. 932-937). Limassol, CYP: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2023). Simulation chain for sensorized strain wave gears . In Proc. 27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) (pp. 467 - 473). Timisoara (Romania).
Landgraf, D., Völz, A., Berkel, F., Schmidt, K., Specker, T., & Graichen, K. (2023). Probabilistic prediction methods for nonlinear systems with application to stochastic model predictive control . Annual Reviews in Control , 56 , 100905.
Rheinfels, T., Gaukler, M., & Ulbrich, P. (2023). A New Perspective on Criticality: Efficient State Abstraction and Run-Time Monitoring of Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Control Systems (Artifact) . Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Rheinfels, T., Gaukler, M., & Ulbrich, P. (2023). A New Perspective on Criticality: Efficient State Abstraction and Run-Time Monitoring of Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Control Systems . In Papadopoulos, Alessandro V. (Eds.), 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023) (pp. 11:1-11:26). Vienna, AT: Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Rohrmüller, M., Beckerle, P., Graichen, K., Malvezzi, M., & Pozzi, M. (2023). In-Hand Manipulation with Synergistic Actuated Robotic Hands: An MPC-Based Approach . In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) . Austin, TX, US: IEEE Computer Society.
Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2023). Improved nonlinear estimation in thermal networks using machine learning . In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2023, accepted) . Loughborough (UK).
Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2023). Online learning and adaptation of nonlinear thermal networks for power inverters . In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023) . Marina Bay Sands (Singapore).
Snobar, F., Michalka, A., Horn, M., Strohmeyer, C., & Graichen, K. (2023). Rack force estimation from standstill to high speeds by hybrid model design and blending . In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2023) . Loughborough (UK).
Spenger, P., & Graichen, K. (2023). Performance prediction of NMPC algorithms with incomplete optimization . In Proc. 22nd IFAC World Congress (accepted) (pp. 7456-7461). Yokohama, Japan.
Ullrich, L., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Robust meta-learning of vehicle yaw rate dynamics via conditional neural processes . In Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) . Marina Bay Sands (Singapore).
Bergmann, D., Harder, K., Niemeyer, J., & Graichen, K. (2022). Nonlinear MPC of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine With Learning Gaussian Process Regression . IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 30 (1), 113-129.
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). A modular framework for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear continuous-time systems (GRAMPC-D) . Optimization and Engineering , 23 , 771-795.
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Improving the performance of distributed model predictive control by applying graph partitioning methods . In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) . Sinaia (Romania).
Dahlmann, J., Volz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). A Numerical Approach for Solving the Inversion Problem for n-Trailer Systems . In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (pp. 2018-2024). Atlanta, GA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). A numerical approach for solving the inversion problem for general n-trailer systems. In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 2018-2024). Atlanta, GA (USA).
Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). Trajectory optimization for truck-trailer systems based on predictive path-following control . In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) . Trieste (Italy).
Gold, T., Römer, R., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Catching objects with a robot arm using model predictive control . In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 1915-1920). Atlanta, GA (USA).
Goller, T., Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Model predictive interaction control based on a path-following formulation . In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) (pp. 551-556). Guilin (China).
Graichen, K., & Görges, D. (2022). Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA Fachausschusses 1.50 .,Grundlagen vernetzter Systeme" . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 70 (4), 315-316.
Huber, H., Burk, D., & Graichen, K. (2022). Comparison of sensitivity-based and ADMM-based DMPC applied to building automation . In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 546-553). Trieste (Italy).
Kerschbaum, S., & Deutscher, J. (2022). Bilateral backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with spatially varying coefficients . Automatica , 135 .
Kowalewski, J., Lorenz, A., Lomakin, A., Alvarez, R., & Graichen, K. (2022). Circulating current control and energy balancing of a modular multilevel converter using model predictive control for HVDC applications . In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) . Brussels (BE).
Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Nagel, K., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2022). Online Model Predictive Motion Cueing With Real-Time Driver Prediction . IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 23 (8), 12414-12428.
Landgraf, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Nonlinear model predictive control with latent force models . In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 4979-4984). Atlanta, GA (USA).
Landgraf, D., Völz, A., Kontes, G., Graichen, K., & Mutschler, C. (2022). Hierarchical learning for model predictive collision avoidance . In IFAC PapersOnLine (pp. 355-360). Vienna (Austria).
Lübke, M., Su, Y., Cherian, A.J., Fuchs, J., Dubey, A., Weigel, R., & Franchi, N. (2022). Full Physical Layer Simulation Tool to Design Future 77 GHz JCRS-Applications . IEEE Access .
Makowicki, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2022). Cycle-by-Cycle Combustion Optimisation: Calibration of Data-based Models and Improvements of Computational Efficiency . Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems , (accepted) .
Rabenstein, G., Demir, O., Trachte, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Data-driven feed-forward control of hydraulic cylinders using Gaussian process regression for excavator assistance functions . In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 962-969). Trieste (Italy).
Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., & Graichen, K. (2022). Optimal current setpoint computation for externally excited synchronous machines . In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 1319-1326). 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).
Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2022). Dynamic and stationary state estimation of fluid cooled three-phase inverters . In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2022) . Sorrento (Italy).
Snobar, F., Reinhard, J., Huber, H., Hoffmann, M., Stelzig, M., Vossiek, M., & Graichen, K. (2022). FOV-based model predictive object tracking for quadcopters . In Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (Mechatronics 2022) (pp. 13 - 18). Los Angeles, CA (USA).
Stecher, J., Kiltz, L., & Graichen, K. (2022). Semi-infinite programming using Gaussian process regression for robust design optimization . In Proceedings European Control Conference (pp. 52-59). London (UK).
Tang, Y., & Moor, T. (2022). Compositional Verification of Non-Blockingness with Prioritised Events . In IFAC PAPERSONLINE (pp. 236-243). Prague, CZ: AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Triska, L., & Moor, T. (2022). Abstraction Based Supervisory Control for Non-Regular ∗-Languages . In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems . Prag, CZ.
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Experimental validation of the open-source DMPC framework GRAMPC-D applied to the remote-accessible robotarium . In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) .
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Towards asynchronous ADMM for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear systems . In Proceedings European Control Conference (ECC 2021) (pp. 1950-1955).
Gold, T., Rohrmüller, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Model predictive interaction control for force closure grasping . In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 1018-1023). Austin, TX, USA.
Hippe, P. (2021). An alternative method for windup prevention . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 69 (9), 750-758.
Hippe, P. (2021). Prevention of Windup Caused by Saturating Sensors (Approach with Saturation Indicator) . In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. (pp. 1-15). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Hippe, P. (2021). Prevention of Windup Caused by Saturating Sensors (Compensating Approach) . In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. (pp. 29-48). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Hippe, P. (2021). Windup Prevention in the Joint Presence of Input and Output Saturation—The MIMO Case . In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. (pp. 61-90). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Huber, H., & Graichen, K. (2021). A sensitivity-based distributed model predictive control algorithm for nonlinear continuous-time systems . In 5th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. (accepted)).
Lamprecht, A., Emmert, T., & Graichen, K. (2021). Learning-based driver prediction for MPC-based motion cueing algorithms . In Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2021 (DSC) (pp. 133 - 140).
Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2021). Potential der modellprädiktiven Regelung für Fahrsimulatoren . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 69 (2), 155-170.
Lomakin, A., & Deutscher, J. (2021). Algebraic detection and identification of parameter faults for robots . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 69 (8), 645-655.
Lukassek, M., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2021). Model predictive path-following control for general n-trailer systems with an arbitrary guidance point . In Proceedings European Control Conference (ECC 2021) (pp. 1329-1334).
Tang, Y., & Moor, T. (2021). Compositional Verification of Finite Automata under Event Preemption . In 2021 60TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC) (pp. 301-308). , ELECTR NETWORK: NEW YORK: IEEE.
Triska, L., & Moor, T. (2021). Behaviour equivalent max-plus automata for timed petri nets under open-loop race-policy semantics . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications , Topical Collection on Control 2022 .
Triska, L., Portella, J., & Reger, J. (2021). Dynamic Extension for Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain Pure-Feedback Systems . In IFAC PAPERSONLINE (pp. 307-312). Tokyo, JAPAN: AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Gradient-based nonlinear model predictive control for systems with state-dependent mass matrix . In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), accepted .
Wang, X., Li, Z., & Wonham, W.M. (2021). Real-Time Scheduling Based on Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State-Tree Structures . IEEETransactions on Automatic Control , 66 (9), 4230-4237.
Bergmann, D., & Graichen, K. (2020). Safe Bayesian Optimization under Unknown Constraints . In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020) (pp. 3592-3597). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Distributed optimization with ALADIN for non-convex optimal control problems . In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020) .
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Neighbor approximations for distributed optimal control of nonlinear networked systems . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2020) (pp. 1238-1243).
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2020). Robust output regulation by state feedback control for coupled linear parabolic PIDEs . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 65 , 2207-2214.
Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Nonlinear model predictive torque control and setpoint computation of induction machines for high performance applications . Control Engineering Practice , 99 .
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2020). Flatness-based algebraic fault diagnosis for distributed-parameter systems . Automatica , 117 , 108987.
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2020). Flatness-based algebraic fault identification for a wave equation with dynamic boundary conditions . In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress (accepted) . Berlin, DE.
Gaukler, M. (2020). Analysis of Real-Time Control Systems using First-Order Continuization . In Goran Frehse and Matthias Althoff (Eds.), ARCH20 (EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 74) (pp. 209-241).
Gaukler, M., Roppenecker, G., & Ulbrich, P. (2020). Details and Proofs for: Stability Analysis of Multivariable Digital Control Systems with Uncertain Timing .
Gaukler, M., Roppenecker, G., & Ulbrich, P. (2020). Stability Analysis of Multivariable Digital Control Systems with Uncertain Timing . In IFAC-PapersOnLine (pp. 3085-3091).
Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2020). Hierarchical predictive control of a combined engine/SCR system with limited model knowledge . SAE International Journal of Engines , 13 (2).
Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2020). Hierarchical Predictive Control of a Combined Engine/Selective Catalytic Reduction System with Limited Model Knowledge . SAE International Journal of Engines , 13 (2).
Gold, T., Lomakin, A., Goller, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Towards a Generic Manipulation Framework for Robots based on Model Predictive Interaction Control . In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) (pp. 401 - 407). Beijing, CN.
Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model Predictive Interaction Control for Industrial Robots . In Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress (pp. 10026 - 10033). Berlin, DE.
Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model Predictive Position and Force Trajectory Tracking Control for Robot-Environment Interaction . In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 7397-7402). Las Vegas, NV, USA, US.
Graichen, K., & Völz, A. (2020). Prädiktive Pfadfolgeregelung für die kollisionsfreie Bewegungsplanung von Robotern .
Jemaa, K., Kotman, P., Reimann, S., & Graichen, K. (2020). Tube-based internal model control of minimum-phase input-affine MIMO systems under input constraints . In Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress .
Joos, S., Trachte, A., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2020). Constrained real-time control of hydromechanical powertrains - methodology and practical application . Mechatronics , 71 .
Kruse, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Moving horizon estimation for continuous glucose monitoring . In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems (ICBES 20) .
Lomakin, A., & Deutscher, J. (2020). Algebraic fault detection and identification for rigid robots . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 9352-9358). Paris, FR.
Lomakin, A., & Deutscher, J. (2020). Fault detection and identification for nonlinear MIMO systems using derivative estimation . In Proceedings of the 21st world congress of the international federation of automatic control (pp. 676-681). Berlin, DE.
Lomakin, A., & Deutscher, J. (2020). Identification of Dynamic Parameters for Rigid Robots Based on Polynomial Approximation . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (accepted) . Las Vegas, US.
Lomakin, A., Mayr, A., Graichen, K., & Franke, J. (2020). Optimization of direct winding processes based on a holistic control approach . In Proceedings of the Electric Drives Production Conference (E-DPC) . Ludwigsburg (D).
Lukassek, M., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model predictive control for agricultural machines with implements . In Proceedings 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 387-392).
Mayr, A., Kißkalt, D., Lomakin, A., Graichen, K., & Franke, J. (2020). Towards an intelligent linear winding process through sensor integration and machine learning techniques . In Proceedings of the 8th CIRP Global Web Conference – Flexible Mass Customisation (CIRPe 2020) .
Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Learning feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path based on policy gradients . In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020) .
Moor, T., Schmidt, K.W., & Schmuck, A.-K. (2020). An Efficient Algorithm for the Computation of the Controllability Prefix of (*)-Languages . In IFAC PAPERSONLINE (pp. 2122-2129). AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Schmuck, A.-K., Moor, T., & Schmidt, K.W. (2020). A Reactive Synthesis Approach to Supervisory Control of Terminating Processes . In IFAC PAPERSONLINE (pp. 2149-2156). AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Triska, L., & Moor, T. (2020). Behaviour Equivalent Max-Plus Automata for a Class of Timed Petri Nets . In 15th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems . Rio de Janeiro, BR.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Prädiktive Pfadfolgeregelung für die kollisionsfreie Bewegungsplanung von Robotern . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 68 (7), 557-570.
Wang, D., Wang, X., & Li, Z. (2020). Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State-Tree Structures With Conditional-Preemption Matrices . IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics , 16 (6), 3744-3756.
Wang, D., Wang, X., & Li, Z. (2020). State-based fault diagnosis of discrete-event systems with partially observable outputs . Information Sciences , 529 , 87-100.
Wang, X., Moor, T., & Li, Z. (2020). Top-Down Nested Supervisory Control of State-Tree Structures Based on State Aggregations . In IFAC PAPERSONLINE (pp. 11175-11180). AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER.
Yang, J.-M., Moor, T., & Raisch, J. (2020). Refinements of behavioural abstractions for the supervisory control of hybrid systems . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications .
Bergmann, D., Geiselhart, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Modelling and control of a heavy-duty Diesel engine gas path with Gaussian process regression . In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 1207-1213). Naples (Italy).
Bergmann, D., & Graichen, K. (2019). Gaußprozessregression zur Modellierung zeitvarianter Systeme . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 67 (8), 637-647.
Bestler, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). Distributed model predictive control for continuous-time nonlinear systems based on suboptimal ADMM . Optimal Control Applications & Methods , 40 (1), 1-23.
Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). Towards a modular framework for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear neighbor-affine systems . In 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) (pp. 5279-5284). Nice (France).
Deutscher, J., & Gabriel, J. (2019). Fredholm backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with input and output delays . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , (in press) .
Deutscher, J., & Gabriel, J. (2019). Minimum time output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems . International Journal of Control , (in press) .
Deutscher, J., & Gabriel, J. (2019). Periodic output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems . Automatica , 103 , 208-216.
Deutscher, J., Gehring, N., & Kern, R. (2019). Output feedback control of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems with spatially-varying coefficients . International Journal of Control , 92 , 2274-2290.
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2019). Output regulation for coupled linear parabolic PIDEs . Automatica , 100 , 360-370.
Englert, T., Völz, A., Mesmer, F., Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2019). A software framework for embedded nonlinear model predictive control using a gradient-based augmented Lagrangian approach (GRAMPC) . Optimization and Engineering , 20 (3), 769-809.
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2019). Flachheitsbasierte algebraische Fehlerdiagnose für einen Euler-Bernoulli-Balken mittels Modulationsfunktionen . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 67 , 622-636.
Gaukler, M., Rheinfels, T., Ulbrich, P., & Roppenecker, G. (2019). Convergence Rate Abstractions for Weakly-Hard Real-Time Control .
Gaukler, M., & Ulbrich, P. (2019). Worst-Case Analysis of Digital Control Loops with Uncertain Input/Output Timing . In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH '19). .
Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Hierarchical optimization of operational costs of a heavy-duty diesel engine and an exhaust aftertreatment system . In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 1227-1232). Naples (Italy).
Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). External torque estimation for an industrial robot arm using joint torsion and motor current measurements . In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) (pp. 879-884). Vienna (Austria).
Graichen, K., & Quevedo, D. (2019). Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.50 "Grundlagen vernetzter Systeme" . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 67 (12), 988-989.
Gu, C., Wang, X., & Li, Z. (2019). Synthesis of Supervisory Control With Partial Observation on Normal State-Tree Structures . IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering , 16 (2), 984-997.
Hiller, M., Qiu, C., Particke, F., Hofmann, C., & Thielecke, J. (2019). Learning Topometric Semantic Maps from Occupancy Grids . In 2019 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS) (pp. 4190-4197). Macau, PEOPLES R CHINA: NEW YORK: IEEE.
Hofmann, C., Particke, F., Hiller, M., & Thielecke, J. (2019). Object detection, classification and localization by infrastructural stereo cameras . In Andreas Kerren, Christophe Hurter, Jose Braz (Eds.), VISIGRAPP 2019 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (pp. 808-815). Prague, CZ: SciTePress.
Jemaa, K., Kotman, P., Reimann, S., & Graichen, K. (2019). Tube-based internal model control of differentially flat input-affine SISO systems under input constraints . In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) (pp. 158-163). Vienna (Austria).
Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained online trajectory planning for flat SISO systems using a switched state variable filter . Automatica , (accepted) .
Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained online trajectory planning for nonlinear flat SISO systems using a switched state variable filter . Automatica , 110 .
Joos, S., Bruder, R., Specker, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Echtzeitfähige Trajektoriengenerierung für hochautomatisierte und autonome Fahrzeuge bei Zustands und Stellgrößenbeschränkungen . In VDI Berichte (pp. 285-293). Mannheim, DEU: VDI Verlag GMBH.
Joos, S., Bruder, R., Specker, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Kinematic real-time trajectory planning with state and input constraints for the example of highly automated driving . In Proc. 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2019) (pp. 779-784).
Joos, S., Trachte, A., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained real-time swivel angle control for hydraulic axial piston motors . In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS)} (pp. 1433-1438). Vienna (Austria).
Kerschbaum, S., & Deutscher, J. (2019). Backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with space and time dependent coefficients . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , (in press) .
Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Comparison between a Filter- and an MPC-based MCA in an Offline Simulator Study . In Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition (DSC) (pp. 101-107). Strasbourg, FR.
Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Optimal control based reference generation for model predictive motion cueing algorithms . In 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Application (CCTA 2019) (pp. 203-208). Hong Kong (China).
Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2019). Feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path . In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 620-626). Naples (Italy).
Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2019). Learning methods for the feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path . In Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2019) (pp. 733-738). Hong Kong (China).
Popp, J., & Deutscher, J. (2019). Optimizing a Hybrid Diesel Power Unit Using Extremum-Seeking Control . IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 27 , 2068-2084.
Reger, J., & Triska, L. (2019). Dynamic Extensions for Exact Backstepping Control of Systems in Pure Feedback Form . In 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) . Nice, FR.
Schmuck, A.-K., Moor, T., & Majumdar, R. (2019). On the relation between reactive synthesis and supervisory control of non-terminating processes . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications .
Ulbrich, P., & Gaukler, M. (2019, April). QRONOS: Towards Quality-aware Responsive Real-Time Control Systems . Poster presentation at 25th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Brief Presentations Track, Montreal, Quebec, CA.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). A predictive path-following controller for continuous replanning with dynamic roadmaps . IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , 4 (4), 3963-3970.
Wang, X., Li, Z., & Moor, T. (2019). SCT-based priority-free conditionally-preemptive scheduling of modular real-time systems with exact task execution time . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications .
Bai, X. (2018). Verification of Eventuality Properties for Discrete-time Affine Systems . In 2018 IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC) (pp. 1560-1565). Miami Beach, FL, US: NEW YORK: IEEE.
Deutscher, J., & Gabriel, J. (2018). Robust State Feedback Regulator Design for General Linear Heterodirectional Hyperbolic Systems . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 63 , 2620-2627.
Deutscher, J., Gehring, N., & Kern, R. (2018). Output feedback control of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic ODE-PDE-ODE systems . Automatica , 95 , 472-480.
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2018). Backstepping Control of Coupled Linear Parabolic PIDEs with Spatially-Varying Coefficients . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 63 , 4218-4233.
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2018). Backstepping für gekoppelte parabolische Systeme mit ortsabhängigen Koeffizienten . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 66 (7), 558-572.
Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). A fixed-point iteration scheme for model predictive torque control of PMSMs . In Proceedings 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) (pp. 668-673). Madison, WI (USA).
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2018). Modulating Function Based Fault Detection for Parabolic Systems with Polynomial Faults . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 51 (24), 359-366.
Fischer, F., Deutscher, J., & Laleg-Kirati, M. (2018). Source estimation for first order time-varying hyperbolic systems . In Proceedings of the MTNS 2018 (pp. 78-84). Hong Kong, HK.
Gabriel, J., & Deutscher, J. (2018). State Feedback Regulator Design for Coupled Linear Wave Equations . In Proceedings of the 16th European Control Conference, ECC 2018 (pp. 3013-3018). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Gaukler, M., Michalka, A., Ulbrich, P., & Klaus, T. (2018). A New Perspective on Quality Evaluation for Control Systems with Stochastic Timing . In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC '18) (pp. 91-100). Porto, Portugal, PT: New York, NY, USA: ACM Press.
Harder, K., Buchholz, M., Späder, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). A real-time nonlinear air path observer for off-highway diesel engines . In Proceedings 2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 237-242). Limassol (Cyprus).
Hiller, M., Particke, F., Hofmann, C., Bey, H., & Thielecke, J. (2018). World Modeling for Mobile Platforms Using a Contextual Object-Based Representation of the Environment . In IEEE (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER) (pp. 187-191). Tianjin, China.
Kern, R., Gehring, N., Deutscher, J., & Meißner, M. (2018). Design and Experimental Validation of an Output Feedback Controller for a Pneumatic System with Distributed Parameters . In Proceedings of the Proc. Int. Conf. Control and Systems (ICCAS) 2018 (pp. 1391-1396). YongPyong Resort, KR.
Lamprecht, A., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2018). Constrained motion cueing for driving simulators using a real-time nonlinear MPC scheme . In Proceedings 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 7466-7471). Madrid (Spain).
Moor, T., & Götz, S. (2018). Deterministic Finite-Automata Abstractions of Time-Variant Sequential Behaviours . In Proceedings of the Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (pp. 388-393). Elsevier B.V..
Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2018). Constrained trajectory planning and actuator design for electromagnetic heating systems . Control Engineering Practice , 74 , 191-203.
Schmuck, A.-K., Moor, T., & Majumdar, R. (2018). On the Relation between Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control of Input/Output Behaviours . In Proceedings of the Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (pp. 31-38). Elsevier B.V..
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2018). An optimization-based approach to dual-arm motion planning with closed kinematics . In Proceedings 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 8346-8351). Madrid (Spain).
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2018). Computation of collision distance and gradient using an automatic sphere approximation of the robot model with bounded error . In Proceedings 50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) (pp. 322-329). München (Germany).
Yang, J.-M., Moor, T., & Raisch, J. (2018). Local Refinement of l-complete Approximations for Supervisory Control of Hybrid Systems . In Proceedings of the Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (pp. 472-479). Elsevier B.V..
Bai, X., & Moor, T. (2017). Consistent abstractions for the supervision of sequential behaviours . In Proceedings of the 56nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control .
Deutscher, J. (2017). Finite-time output regulation for linear 2×2 hyperbolic systems using backstepping . Automatica , 75 , 54-62.
Deutscher, J. (2017). Output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems with spatially-varying coefficients . Automatica , 85 , 34-42.
Deutscher, J. (2017). Robust output regulation by observer-based feedforward control . International Journal of Systems Science , 48 (4), 795-804.
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2017). Backstepping control of coupled diffusion-reaction systems with spatially-varying reaction and Neumann boundary conditions . In Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017 (pp. 2504-2510). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2017). Fault detection for parabolic systems with distributed inputs and outputs using the modulation function approach . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 50 (1), 6774-6779.
Hammer, J., Gaukler, M., Kanzler, P., Hörauf, P., & Novac, D. (2017). FAU FabLab: A Fabrication Laboratory for Scientists, Students, Entrepreneurs and the Curious .
Meurer, T., Woittennek, F., & Deutscher, J. (2017). Methoden und Anwendungen verteilt-parametrischer Systeme . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 65 (5), 295-297.
Moor, T., & Schmidt, K.W. (2017). The controllability prefix for supervisory control under partial observation with an application to fault-tolerant control . In Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress Toulouse .
Popp, J., & Deutscher, J. (2017). Ein Konzept zur Wirkungsgradoptimierung von Einzylinder-Dieselgeneratoren mittels Optimalsteuerung und Extremum-Seeking . Forschung Im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research , 81 (4), 421-435.
Popp, J., & Deutscher, J. (2017). Optimizing a hybrid diesel power unit using extremum seeking control . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 50 (1), 7849-7854.
Popp, J., & Deutscher, J. (2017). Wirkungsgradoptimierung eines Einzylinder-Dieselgenerators mittels Optimalsteuerung und Extremum-Seeking . In Proceedings of the Mechatronik 2017 . Dresden, DE.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2017). Composition of dynamic roadmaps for dual-arm motion planning . In Proceedings 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017) (pp. 1242-1248). Munich (Germany).
Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2016). Loss-focused predictive thermal management of induction motors in electric vehicles using nonlinear fixed-point MPC . In Proceedings 2016 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC) (pp. 1392-1397). Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Deutscher, J. (2016). Backstepping Design of Robust Output Feedback Regulators for Boundary Controlled Parabolic PDEs . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 61 (8), 2288-2294.
Deutscher, J. (2016). Fault detection for linear distributed-parameter systems using finite-dimensional functional observers . International Journal of Control , 89 (3), 550-563.
Deutscher, J., & Kerschbaum, S. (2016). Backstepping design of robust state feedback regulators for second order hyperbolic PIDEs . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 49 (8), 80-85.
Fischer, F., & Deutscher, J. (2016). Algebraic fault detection and isolation for parabolic distributed–parameter systems using modulation functions . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 49 (8), 162-167.
Kerschbaum, S., & Deutscher, J. (2016). Backstepping-based output regulation for systems with infinite-dimensional actuator and sensor dynamics . Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , 16 , 43-46.
Klaus, T., Franzmann, F.P., Gaukler, M., Michalka, A., & Ulbrich, P. (2016). Closing the loop: Towards control-aware design of adaptive real-time systems . In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, RTSS 2016 . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Klaus, T., Franzmann, F.P., Gaukler, M., Michalka, A., & Ulbrich, P. (2016). Poster Abstract: "Closing the Loop: Towards Control-aware Design of Adaptive Real-Time Systems" . Poster presentation at 37th Real-Time Systems Symposium, Porto, Portugal.
Löhe, K., Zehelein, T., & Roppenecker, G. (2016). Road quality estimation by autoregressive filtering for a two-axle vehicle . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 64 (5), 355-364.
Makowicki, T., Bitzer, M., Kotman, P., & Graichen, K. (2016). A combustion cycle model for stationary and transient engine operation . In Proceedings 8th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC) (pp. 479-485). Kolmården Wildlife Resort (Sweden).
Moor, T. (2016). A discussion of fault-tolerant supervisory control in terms of formal languages . Annual Reviews in Control , 41 (159), 169.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2016). Distance metrics for path planning with dynamic roadmaps . In Proceedings 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) (pp. 126-132). München (Germany).
2015 and earlier
Agethen, C., & Moor, T. (2015). A hierarchical and modular control architecture for sequential behaviours . Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications , 25 , 95-124.
Bär, W. (2015). Predictive knowledge-based coach tilting control . In Proceedings of the 1999 European Control Conference, ECC 1999 (pp. 2143-2147). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Deutscher, J. (2015). A backstepping approach to the output regulation of boundary controlled parabolic PDEs . Automatica , 57 , 56-64.
Deutscher, J. (2015). Backstepping design of robust flatness-based tracking controllers for boundary-controlled parabolic PDEs . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC 2015 (pp. 891-896). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Deutscher, J. (2015). Backstepping-Entwurf flachheitsbasierter Folgeregler mit robuster asymptotischer Störkompensation für parabolische PDEs . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 63 (12), 953-967.
Graichen, K. (2015). Nonlinear MPC with fixed-point iterations: Numerical and experimental validation . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 28 (25), 62-67.
Graichen, K., & Hentzelt, S. (2015). A bi-level nonlinear predictive control scheme for hopping robots with hip and tail actuation . In Proceedings 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015) (pp. 4480-4485). Hamburg (Germany).
Hippe, P. (2015). Prevention of windup caused by saturating sensors Windup-Vermeidung bei begrenzenden Sensoren . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 63 (12), 968-976.
Michalka, A., & Roppenecker, G. (2015). Kompensation von Drehmomentfehlern automatisierter Reibkupplungen durch beobachterbasierte Störgrößenaufschaltung . In VDI-Berichte Nr. 2233 (pp. 37-52). Baden-Baden: Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag GmbH.
Moor, T. (2015). Fault-tolerant supervisory control . In 5th IFAC International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (pp. 124-131).
Moor, T., Schmidt, K.W., & Schmidt, K. (2015). Fault-tolerant control of discrete-event systems with lower-bound specifications . In Proceedings of the 5th IFAC International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, DCDS 2015 (pp. 161-166).
Moseberg, J.-E., & Roppenecker, G. (2015). Robust cascade control for the horizontal motion of a vehicle with single-wheel actuators . Vehicle System Dynamics , 53 (12), 1742-1758.
Popp, J., & Deutscher, J. (2015). Zwei-Freiheitsgrade-Regelung eines Einzylinder-Dieselgenerators unter Berücksichtigung der Periodizität . In B. Lohmann und G. Roppenecker (Eds.), Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. (pp. 40-56). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Röber, J., Zwick, C., Bänisch, A., Dirauf, S., Roppenecker, G., Weigel, R., & Dirauf, S. (2015). Novel Control Methods for Phase Lock Loops . In European conference on circuit theory and design (ECCTD) . Trondheim: IEEE.
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2015). Stochastische modellprädiktive Regelung unsicherer nichtlinearer Systeme basierend auf der Unscented-Transformation . In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 293-301). Salzburg (Austria).
Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2015). Stochastic model predictive control of nonlinear continuous-time systems using the unscented transformation . In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC 2015 (pp. 3365-3370). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2014). Slip-constrained model predictive control allocation for an all-wheel driven electric vehicle . In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 12042-12047). Cape Town (South Africa).
Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2014). Vehicle dynamic control in challenging driving situations using nonlinear model predictive control allocation . In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 346-351). Nice (France).
Deutscher, J. (2014). Dual observer-based compensators for nonlinear systems . International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , 24 (1), 110-122.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2014). Structure-preserving approximation of distributed-parameter second-order systems using Krylov subspaces . Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems , 20 (4), 395-413.
Deutscher, J., & Roppenecker, G. (2014). Robuste asymptotische Störkompensation mittels beobachterbasierter Störgrößenaufschaltungen . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 62 (8), 547-561.
Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2014). Experimental results for distributed model predictive control applied to a water distribution system . In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 1100-1106). Nice (France).
Kaepernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). PLC implementation of a nonlinear model predictive controller . In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 1892-1897). Cape Town (South Africa).
Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). Nichtlineare modellprädiktive Regelung auf SPS . Automatisierungstechnische Praxis , 56 , 38-46.
Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). The gradient based nonlinear model predictive control software GRAMPC . In Proceedings 13th European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 1170-1175). Strasbourg (France).
Käpernick, B., Süß, S., Schubert, E., & Graichen, K. (2014). A synthesis strategy for nonlinear model predictive controller on FPGA . In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 662-667). Loughborough (UK).
Michalka, A. (2014). Ein modellbasiertes Gesamtkonzept zur Längsdynamiksteuerung und -regelung von Parallelhybridfahrzeugen (Dissertation).
Moseberg, J.-E., & Roppenecker, G. (2014). Feed-forward control of a vehicle with single-wheel actuators . In Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress on International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC 2014 (pp. 6283-6288). IFAC Secretariat.
Moseberg, J.-E., & Roppenecker, G. (2014). Horizontal vehicle motion control with single-wheel chassis actuators . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 62 (3), 216-225.
Nohr, M., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Kinetic modelling of an industrial semi-batch alkoxylation reactor for control studies . In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 623-628). Loughborough (UK).
Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Efficient state constraint handling for MPC of the heat equation . In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 663-668). Loughborough (UK).
Utz, T., Braun, M., Freckmann, G., & Graichen, K. (2014). Model of the glucose-insulin system of type-1 diabetics and optimization-based bolus calculation . In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 587-592). Loughborough (UK).
Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Thermal modelling and optimization-based control of a batch diffusion furnace . In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 474-479). Nice (France).
Utz, T., Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2014). Transformation approach to constraint handling in optimal control of the heat equation . In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 9135-9140). Cape Town (South Africa).
Agethen, C., Moor, T., Baier, C., & Wittmann, T.K. (2013). Consistent abstractions for the purpose of supervisory control . In Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2013 (pp. 7291-7296). Florence, IT: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Claasen, G., Martin, P., & Graichen, K. (2013). Error growth due to noise during occlusions in inertially-aided tracking systems . In Proceedings 2013 IEEE Intern. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 5781-5787). Karlsruhe (Germany).
Deutscher, J. (2013). Finite-dimensional dual state feedback control of linear boundary control systems . International Journal of Control , 86 (1), 41-53.
Deutscher, J. (2013). Krylov subspace methods for block patterned linear systems . In Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference 2013 (pp. 827-832). Zurich.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2013). Approximation verteilt-parametrischer Systeme zweiter Ordnung mittels Krylov-Unterraummethoden . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 61 , 533-544.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2013). An approach for the construction of the control input operator associated to boundary control systems . In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multidimensional Systems 2013 (pp. 51-56). Erlangen, DE.
Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2013). An augmented Lagrangian method in distributed dynamic optimization based on approximate neighbor dynamics . In Proceedings IEEE Intern. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2013) (pp. 571-576). Manchester (UK).
Hippe, P. (2013). Windup prevention in systems with input and output constraints . In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Process Control, PC 2013 (pp. 1-6). Strbske Pleso.
Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2013). Model predictive control of an overhead crane using constraint substitution . In Proceedings 2013 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 3979-3984). Washington, DC (USA).
Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2013). Transformation of output constraints in optimal control applied to a double pendulum on a cart . In Proceedings 9th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 193-198). Toulouse (Italy).
Käpernick, B., Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2013). A parallelizable decomposition approach for constrained optimal control problems . In Proceedings 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 5783-5788). Florence (Italy).
Michalka, A., & Roppenecker, G. (2013). Kupplungsschlupfregelung als Teil eines Gesamtkonzepts zur Antriebsstrangsteuerung eines Parallelhybridfahrzeugs . In VDI-Berichte Nr. 2196 (pp. 121-132). Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag GmbH.
Mohr, A., & Deutscher, J. (2013). Analyse von PDE-DAE-Systemen mittels einer Normalform . In G. Roppenecker und B. Lohmann (Eds.), Methoden und Anwendung der Regelungstechnik. (pp. 77-97). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Mohr, A., & Deutscher, J. (2013). Parametric state feedback design for linear infinite-dimensional systems . In Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference 2013 (pp. 2086-2091). Zurich.
Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2013). Model predictive control and moving horizon estimation of a large-scale chemical reactor model . In Proceedings 1st {IFAC} Symposium on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE) (pp. 121-126). Paris (France).
Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2013). Two-degrees-of-freedom optimization-based control and estimation of a parabolic equation system . In Proceedings 2013 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 384-389). Washington, DC (USA).
Utz, T., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2013). Combined feedforward/model predictive tracking control design for nonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction-systems . In F. Tröltzsch DH (Eds.), System Modeling and Optimization. (pp. 296-305). Vienna (Austria): Springer.
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Boutalis, Y., Moor, T., & Schmidt, K. (2012). Fuzzy Hybrid Systems modeling with application in decision making and control . In Proceedings of the 2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, IS 2012 (pp. 290-296). Sofia, BG.
Egretzberger, M., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2012). Flatness-based MPC and global path planning towards cognition-supported pick-and-place tasks of tower cranes . In Irschik H, Krommer M, Belyaev A (Eds.), Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines. (pp. 63-71). Vienna (Austria): Springer.
Graichen, K. (2012). A fixed-point iteration scheme for real-time model predictive control . Automatica , 48 (7), 1300-1305.
Graichen, K., & Käpernick, B. (2012). A real-time gradient method for nonlinear model predictive control . In Zheng T (Eds.), Frontiers of Model Predictive Control. (pp. 9-28). InTech (open access).
Graichen, K., & Käpernick, B. (2012). Nonlinear MPC with systematic handling of a class of constraints . In Oberwolfach Report No. 12/2012 (Workshop ``Control Theory: Mathematical Perspectives on Complex Networked Systems'') (pp. 17-18). Oberwolfach (Germany).
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2012). Parametric approximation of connected Euler-Bernoulli beams with variable beam lengths . In Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2012 (pp. 734-739). Wien, AT.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2012). Stability and passivity preserving Petrov-Galerkin approximation of linear infinite-dimensional systems . Automatica , 48 (7), 1347-1352.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2012). Strukturerhaltende Approximation linearer verteilt-parametrischer PCHD-Systeme . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 60 (9), 534-546.
Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2012). Dual decomposition of optimal control problems with coupled nonlinear dynamics . In CD-ROM Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) . Vienna (Austria).
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Ulbrich, P., Franzmann, F.P., Harkort, C., Hoffmann, M., Klaus, T., Rebhan, A., & Schröder-Preikschat, W. (2012). Taking Control: Modular and Adaptive Robotics Process Control Systems . In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (pp. 55-60). Magdeburg: Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society.
Bäuml, M., & Deutscher, J. (2011). Entwurf von Ausgangsrückführungen für nichtlineare Systeme mittels Sum-of-Squares-Programmierung . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 59 , 364-373.
Deutscher, J. (2011). Entwurf dualer Störbeobachter für lineare konzentriert- und verteilt-parametrische Systeme . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 59 , 552-562.
Graichen, K., & Utz, T. (2011). Combined feedforward/model predictive tracking control design for nonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction-systems . In Proceedings 25th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization . Berlin (Germany).
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2011). Abtastregelung linearer verteilt-parametrischer Systeme unter Verwendung allgemeiner Halteglieder . In B. Lohmann und G. Roppenecker (Eds.), Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. (pp. 89-99). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2011). Discrete-time modal state reconstruction for infinite-dimensional systems using generalized sampling . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 44 , 13311-13316.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2011). Finite-dimensional observer-based control of linear distributed parameter systems using cascaded output observers . International Journal of Control , 84 (1), 107-122.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2011). Krylov subspace methods for linear infinite-dimensional systems . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 56 , 441-447.
Moor, T., Schmidt, K., & Wittmann, T.K. (2011). Abstraction-based control for not necessarily closed behaviours . In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress (pp. 6988-6993). Milano, IT.
Schmid, C., & Roppenecker, G. (2011). Parameteridentification for LTI-systems using modulating functions generated by a signal model . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 59 (8), 521-528.
Steinböck, A., Graichen, K., Kugi, A., & Wild, D. (2011). A mathematical model of a slab reheating furnace for simulation, control, and optimization . In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM) . Düsseldorf (Germany).
Ulbrich, P., Kapitza, R., Harkort, C., Schmid, R., & Schröder-Preikschat, W. (2011). I4Copter: An Adaptable and Modular Quadrotor Platform . In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 380-396). TaiChung, Taiwan, TW: New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Antritter, F., & Deutscher, J. (2010). Folgeregelung nichtlinearer Eingrößensysteme mittels linearer zeitvarianter Ausgangsrückführung . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 58 , 383-393.
Boutalis, Y., & Schmidt, K. (2010). Multi-objective decision making using fuzzy discrete event systems: A mobile robot example . In Proceedings of the 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 (pp. 575-580). Marrakech.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2010). A parametric approach to finite-dimensional control of linear distributed-parameter systems . International Journal of Control , 58 , 383-393.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2010). Entwurf endlich-dimensionaler Regler für lineare verteilt-parametrische Systeme durch Ausgangsbeobachtung . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 58 , 435-446.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2010). Führungs- und Störgrößenaufschaltungen für lineare verteilt-parametrische Systeme . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 58 (1), 27-37.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2010). Parametric approach to the decoupling of linear distributed-parameter systems . IET Control Theory and Applications , 4 (12), 2855-2866.
Graichen, K., Egretzberger, M., & Kugi, A. (2010). Suboptimal model predictive control of a laboratory crane . In Proceedings 8th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 397-402). Bologna (Italy).
Graichen, K., Petit, N., Kugi, A., & Chaplais, F. (2010). Handling constraints in optimal control with saturation functions and system extension . Systems & Control Letters , 59 (11), 671-679.
Moor, T., Schmidt, K., & Perk, S. (2010). Applied supervisory control for a flexible manufacturing system . In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2010 (pp. 253-258). Berlin.
Raisch, J., Moor, T., Bajcinca, N., Geist, S., & Nenchev, V. (2010). Distributed state estimation for hybrid and discrete event systems using l-complete approximations . In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2010 (pp. 129-134). Berlin.
Schmidt, K. (2010). Abstraction-based failure diagnosis for discrete event systems . Systems & Control Letters , 59 (1), 42-47.
Utz, T., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2010). Trajectory planning and receding horizon tracking control of a quasilinear diffusion-convection-reaction system . In Proceedings 8th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 587-592). Bologna (Italy).
Bäuml, M., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Stabilisierung nichtlinearer Systeme mit Zustandsbeschränkungen mittels SOS-Programmierung . In G. Roppenecker und B. Lohmann (Eds.), Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. (pp. 47-60). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Bäuml, M., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Stabilization of nonlinear systems with input saturation using SOS-programming . In Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2009 . Wien, AT.
Bäuml, M., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Stabilization of nonlinear systems with non-polynomial nonlinearities using SOS-programming . In Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, CA 2009 (pp. 82-89). Cambridge.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2009). Parametric state feedback design for second-order Riesz-spectral systems . In Proceedings of the 10th European Control Conference 2009 . Budapest, HU.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2009). Parametric state feedback design of linear distributed-parameter systems . International Journal of Control , 82 (6), 1060-1069.
Graichen, K., Kiefer, T., & Kugi, A. (2009). Real-time trajectory optimization under input constraints for a flatness-controlled laboratory helicopter . In Proceedings 10th European Control Conference (ECC) . Budapest (Hungary).
Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2009). Incorporating a class of constraints into the dynamics of optimal control problems . Optimal Control Applications & Methods , 30 (6), 537-561.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Reduktion von Spillover für lineare verteilt-parametrische Systeme . In G. Roppenecker und B. Lohmann (Eds.), Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. (pp. 15-26). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
Harkort, C., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Spillover reduction for linear distributed-parameter systems using dynamic extensions . In Proceedings of the 10th European Control Conference 2009 . Budapest, HU.
Hippe, P., & Deutscher, J. (2009). A polynomial approach to the prevention of windup in stable MIMO systems . In Proceedings of the 10th European Control Conference 2009 . Budapest, HU.
Hippe, P., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Design of observer-based compensators: From the time to the frequency domain . Springer London.
Hippe, P., & Deutscher, J. (2009). Windup prevention for MIMO systems in the frequency domain . Archives of Control Sciences , 19 , 355-369.
Kotman, P., Bitzer, M., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2009). Hybrid modeling of a two-stage turbocharged diesel engine air system . In Proceedings 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD~09) (pp. 2015-2024). Vienna (Austria).
Michalka, A. (2009). Antriebskoordinator am Beispiel eines Parallelhybridfahrzeugs . In Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik, Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008 (pp. 109 - 119). Hirschberg: Shaker Verlag.
Michalka, A., Roppenecker, G., Wurmthaler, C., & Orend, R. (2009). Modellbasierte Steuerungsberechnung für Doppelkupplungsgetriebe als Teil eines neuen Gesamtkonzepts zur Getriebesteuerung und - regelung . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 57 (5), 230-237.
Ponssard, C., Graichen, K., Petit, N., & Laurent-Varin, J. (2009). Ascent optimization for a heavy space launcher . In Proceedings 10th European Control Conference (ECC) . Budapest (Hungary).
Roppenecker, G. (2009). State feedback control of linear systems - A renewed approach . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 57 (10), 491-498.
Schmidt, E.G., & Schmidt, K. (2009). Message scheduling for the FlexRay protocol: The dynamic segment . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 58 (5), 2160-2169.
Wurmthaler, C., & Kühnlein, A. (2009). Model based feed forward control for measurable disturbances . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 57 (7), 328-331.
Bäuml, M., & Deutscher, J. (2008). Approximate observer error linearization for nonlinear systems with input . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 41 , 7600-7605.
Deutscher, J., & Bäuml, M. (2008). Approximate feedback linearization using multivariable Legendre polynomials . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 41 , 4749-4754.
Deutscher, J., & Harkort, C. (2008). Vollständige Modale Synthese eines Wärmeleiters . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 56 , 539-548.
Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). A continuation approach to state and adjoint calculation in optimal control applied to the reentry problem . In Proceedings 17th IFAC World Congress (pp. 14307-14312). Seoul, Korea.
Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). Constructive methods for initialization and handling mixed state-input constraints in optimal control . Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics , 31 (5), 1334-1343.
Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). Solving the Goddard problem with thrust and dynamic pressure constraints using saturation functions . In Proceedings of the 17th World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC . Seoul.
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2008). Feedforward control design for finite-time transition problems of nonlinear systems with input and output constraints . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 53 (5), 1273-1278.
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2008). Feedforward control design for nonlinear MIMO systems under input constraints . International Journal of Control , 81 (3), 417-427.
Michalka, A., & Orend, R. (2008). Gesamtkonzept zur Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen mit Doppelkupplungsgetriebe . In VDI-Berichte Nr. 2029 (pp. 247-261). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag GmbH.
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Moor, T., Schmidt, K., & Perk, S. (2008). LibFAUDES - an open source C++ library for discrete event systems . In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES' 08 (pp. 125-130). Goteborg.
Perk, S., Moor, T., & Schmidt, K. (2008). Controller synthesis for an I/O-based hierarchical system architecture . In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES' 08 (pp. 474-479). Goteborg.
Schmidt, E.G., & Schmidt, K. (2008). Message scheduling for the static segment of the FlexRay protocol . In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, SIU . Aydin.
Schmidt, E.G., & Schmidt, K. (2008). Shared medium communication for distributed discrete event control . In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference, SIU . Aydin.
Schmidt, K., Moor, T., & Perk, S. (2008). Nonblocking hierarchical control of decentralized discrete event systems . IEEETransactions on Automatic Control , 53 (10), 2252-2265.
Deutscher, J. (2007). A numerical approach to approximate input-output linearization of nonlinear systems . In Proceedings of the 9th European Control Conference 2007 (pp. 3635-3640). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Genzel, M., Orend, R., Michalka, A., & Pohlmann, R. (2007). Control unit for a dry double clutch transmission . In 6th Int. Symposium "Innovative Automotive Transmissions" . Berlin.
Graichen, K., Treuer, M., & Zeitz, M. (2007). Swing-up of the double pendulum on a cart by feedforward and feedback control with experimental validation . Automatica , 43 (1), 63-71.
Hippe, P. (2007). Stable and unstable systems with amplitude and rate saturation .
Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2007). Continuous curvature trajectory design and feedforward control for parking a car . IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 15 , 541-553.
Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2007). Orbital tracking control for car parking via control of the clock using a nonlinear reduced order steering-angle observer . In Proceedings of the 9th European Control Conference 2007 (pp. 1917-1924). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2007). Orbital tracking control for parking via control of the clock . In B. Lohmann und G. Roppenecker (Eds.), Methoden und Anwednungen der Regelungstechnik. .
Müller, B., Deutscher, J., Grodde, S., & Roppenecker, G. (2007). Universelle Bahnplanung für das automatische Einparken . ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift , 109 , 66-71.
Roppenecker, G. (2007). Universelle Bahnplanung für das Automatische Einparken . ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift , 109 (1), 66-71.
Schmidt, K. (2007). A shared-medium communication architecture for distributed discrete event systems . In Proceedings of the 2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED . Athens.
Schmidt, K. (2007). Hierarchical and decentralized multitasking control of discrete event systems . In Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2007, CDC (pp. 5936-5941). New Orleans, LA.
Schmidt, K. (2007). Systematic message schedule construction for time-triggered CAN . IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 56 , 3431-3441.
Antritter, F., & Deutscher, J. (2006). Nonlinear tracking control of a dc motor via a boost-converter using linear dynamic output feedback . In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006, CDC (pp. 6587-6592). San Diego, CA.
Antritter, F., & Deutscher, J. (2006). Trajectory design using differential parameterizations . Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , 6 , 795-796.
Antritter, F., Reger, J., & Maurer, P. (2006). Flatness based control of a buck-converter driven DC motor . In Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, MX 2006 (pp. 36-41). Heidelberg.
Deutscher, J. (2006). A parametric frequency domain approach to decoupling with coupled rows . International Journal of Systems Science , 37 (11), 735-746.
Deutscher, J. (2006). Numerical design of nonlinear observers with approximately linear error dynamics . In Proceedings of the Joint 2006 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Computer-Aided Control Systems Design Symposium (CACSD) and International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) (pp. 2985-2990). Munich.
Deutscher, J., & Bäuml, M. (2006). A state space embedding approach to time discretization via an approximate normal form . In Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2006 . Wien, AT.
Deutscher, J., & Bäuml, M. (2006). Design of nonlinear observers with approximately linear error dynamics using multivariable Legendre polynomials . International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , 16 , 709-727.
Deutscher, J., & Schmid, C. (2006). A numerical approach to approximate feedback linearization . In Proceedings of the Joint 2006 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Computer-Aided Control Systems Design Symposium (CACSD) and International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) (pp. 1934-1939). Munich.
Deutscher, J., & Schmidt, C. (2006). A state space embedding approach to approximate feedback linearization of single input nonlinear control systems . International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , 16 (9), 421-440.
Graichen, K. (2006). Feedforward Control Design for Finite-Time Transition Problems of Nonlinear Systems with Input and Output Constraints . Aachen (Germany): Shaker Verlag.
Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Feedforward control with online parameter estimation applied to the Chylla-Haase reactor benchmark . Journal of Process Control , 16 (7), 733-745.
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). A new approach to feedforward control design under output constraints applied to the side-stepping of the triple inverted pendulum . In Proceedings 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS 2006) (pp. 181-186). Heidelberg (Germany).
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Inversionsbasierter Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Ein- und Ausgangsbeschränkungen . At-Automatisierungstechnik , 54 (4), 187-199.
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Eingangsbeschränkungen für nichtlineare Mehrgrößensysteme . In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 245-260). Bosen (Germany).
Hippe, P. (2006). Windup prevention for stable and unstable MIMO systems . International Journal of Systems Science , 37 (2), 67-78.
Kiefer, T., Kugi, A., Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Feedforward and feedback tracking control of a 3DOF helicopter experiment under input and output constraints . In Proceedings 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 1586-1593). San Diego (USA).
Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2006). Zweistufige Trajektorienplanung für das automatische Einparken . In Proceedings of the AUTOREG 2006 (pp. 379-388). Wiesloch.
Müller, B., Deutscher, J., & Grodde, S. (2006). Trajectory generation and feedforward control for parking a car . In Proceedings of the Joint 2006 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Computer-Aided Control Systems Design Symposium (CACSD) and International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) (pp. 163-168). Munich.
Schmidt, K. (2006). Hierarchical discrete event systems with inputs and outputs . In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2006 (pp. 427-432). Ann Arbor, MI.
Schmidt, K. (2006). Marked-string accepting observers for the hierarchical and decentralized control of discrete event systems . In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2006 (pp. 413-418). Ann Arbor, MI.
Schmidt, K. (2006). Modular and decentralized supervisory control of concurrent discrete event systems using reduced system models . In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2006 (pp. 149-154). Ann Arbor, MI.
Wieland, P., Meurer, T., Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Feedforward control design under input constraints for a tubular reactor model . In Proceedings 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 3968-3973). San Diego (USA).
Antritter, F., & Deutscher, J. (2005). Asymptotic tracking for nonlinear systems using fictitious inputs . In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05 (pp. 4022-4027). Seville.
Deutscher, J. (2005). Input-output linearization of nonlinear systems using multivariable Legendre polynomials . Automatica , 41 , 299-304.
Deutscher, J., Schmidt, K., & Antritter, F. (2005). Feedforward control of nonlinear systems using fictitious inputs . In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05 (pp. 7264-7269). Seville, ES.
Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Adaptive feedforward control with parameter estimation for the Chylla-Haase polymerization reactor . In Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference (CDC--ECC) (pp. 3049-3054). Sevilla (Spain).
Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2005). A new approach to inversion-based feedforward control design for nonlinear systems . Automatica , 41 (12), 2033-2041.
Graichen, K., Treuer, M., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Fast side-stepping of the triple inverted pendulum via constrained nonlinear feedforward control design . In Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference (CDC--ECC) (pp. 1096-1101). Sevilla (Spain).
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Feedforward control design for nonlinear systems under input constraints . In T. Meurer, K. Graichen, E.D. Gilles (Eds.), Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems. (pp. 235-252). Berlin (Germany): Springer.
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Nonlinear feedforward and feedback tracking control with input constraints solving the pendubot swing-up problem . In Proceedings 16th IFAC World Congress (pp. 1112-1117). Prague (CZ).
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Ausgangsbeschränkungen am Beispiel von Mehrfachpendeln . In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 39-49). Bosen (Germany).
Meurer, T., Graichen, K., & Gilles, E.D. (Eds.) (2005). Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems . Berlin (Germany): Springer.
Meurer, T., Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Motion planning and feedforward control for distributed parameter systems under input constraints . In Proceedings 16th IFAC World Congress (pp. 934-939). Prague (CZ).
Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2005). Approximate input-output linearization using L2-optimal bilinearization . In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, CDC-ECC '05 (pp. 4903-4908). Seville.
Schmidt, K. (2005). A hierarchical architecture for nonblocking control of decentralized discrete event systems . In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, ISIC '05 and the13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED '05 (pp. 902-907). Limassol.
Schmidt, K. (2005). Natural gait generation techniques for multi-bodied isolated mechanical systems . In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 3664-3669). Barcelona.
Schmidt, K. (2005). Nonblocking hierarchical control of decentralized des . In Proceedings of the 16th Triennial World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC 2005 (pp. 163-168). Prague.
Wurmthaler, C., & Meier, G. (2005). Longitudinal vehicle guidance using neural networks . In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation CIRA 2005 (pp. 685-688). Espoo.
Zeitz, M., Graichen, K., & Meurer, T. (2005). Vorsteuerung mit Trajektorienplanung als Basis einer Folgeregelung . In GMA-Kongress ``Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung'', VDI-Berichte Nr. 1883 (pp. 795-806). Baden-Baden (Germany).
Antritter, F., Müller, B., & Deutscher, J. (2004). Tracking control for nonlinear flat systems by linear dynamic output feedback . IFAC-PapersOnLine , 37 , 141-146.
Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2004). Van de Vusse CSTR as a benchmark problem for nonlinear feedforward control design techniques . In Proceedings 6th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 1123-1128). Stuttgart (Germany).
Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2004). Swing-up of a pendubot under input constraints . In Proceedings 49th Ilmenau International Scientific Colloquium (pp. 393-398). Ilmenau (Germany).
Meier, G., Roppenecker, G., & Wurmthaler, C. (2004). Automatische Fahrzeug-Längsführung mittels Trajektorien- Folgeregelung: Ein modulares Konzept zur Trennung zwischen Fahrzeug- und Fahrer-Spezifika .
Reger, J., & Schmidt, K. (2004). A finite field framework for modeling, analysis and control of finite state automata . Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems , 10 , 253-285.
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