Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Graichen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Graichen
since 04/2019 | Full professor and head of the Institute of Automatic Control, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
08/2010-03/2019 | Professor at the Institute for Measurement, Control and Microtechnology, University of Ulm |
01/2008-07/2010 | Postdoc at the Automation and Control Institute, Vienna Technical University, Austria |
01/2007-12/2007 | Postdoc at the Centre Automatique et Systèmes, MINES ParisTech, France |
08/2002-12/2006 | Research assistant at the Institute for System Dynamics, University of Stuttgart |
10/1997 – 07/2002 | Studies of Engineering Cybernetics, University of Stuttgart (Germany) |
10/2001 – 06/2002 | Robert Bosch Corp., Research and Technology Center North America (RTC), Palo Alto (USA). |
11/2006 | Dissertation („Dr.-Ing.“), University of Stuttgart (Germany) |
Awards & Appointments
- Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2022
- Outstanding Paper Award, 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2022
- Best Paper Award in Automation, International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2020
- Senior Member IEEE (since April 2020)
- Appointment to the Professorship for Automatic Control, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2018
- Science-Industry Cooperation Award 2017, University of Ulm
- Appointment to the Professorship for Applied Computer Science and Automation, Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), 2015
- Best Paper Award of at-Automatisierungstechnik 2021, 2015 (2x) and 2010
- Appointment to the Professorship for Measurement and Automation Technology, University of Ulm, 2009
- Research Fellowship 2007, MINES ParisTech (France)
- LEWA Award 2006, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics, University of Stuttgart
- Best Presentation Award, 40th Colloquium on Automatic Control, Boppard (22.-24. 2006)
Memberships & Activities
- Member of the advisory board of the VDI/VDE Society for Measurement and Automation Technology (GMA), since 2025
- Editor-in-Chief of Control Engineering Practice, since 2024
- Member IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Industry Committee, since 2021
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Control Engineering Practice, 2016-2021
- Head of Technical Committee „Foundations of Networked Systems“ (FA 1.50), German Association of Measurement and Automation Technology (GMA), 2015-2021
- Member of Technical Committee “Optimal Control” (TC 2.4), International Federation on Automatic Control (IFAC)
- Member of IEEE, VDE, VDI, GAMM
- Member of organizing and technical committees of several international conferences
- Reviewer for various international journals and conferences
- Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2025). Model-based fault simulation and detection for gauge-sensorized strain wave gears. In Proceedings of the 11th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 25). Vienna (Austria).
- Kruse, T., Griebel, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Adaptive Kalman filtering: Measurement and process noise covariance estimation using Kalman smoothing. IEEE Access, 13, 11863-11875.
- Landgraf, D., Wietzke, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Stochastic model predictive control with switched latent force models. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference. Thessaloniki (Greece).
- Pierer von Esch, M., Nistler, E., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Sensitivity-based distributed NMPC: Experimental results for a levitating planar motion system. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). A fixed-point iteration scheme for sensitivity-based distributed optimal control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Asynchronous sensitivity-based distributed optimal control for nonlinear systems. In Proceedings of the 2025 American Control Conference (ACC). Denver, CO (USA).
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Sensitivity-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems under Inexact Optimization. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, (accepted).
- Santer, P., Reinhard, J., Schindler, A., & Graichen, K. (2025). Detection of localized bearing faults in PMSMs by means of envelope analysis and wavelet packet transform using motor speed and current signals. Mechatronics, 106.
- Wietzke, T., & Graichen, K. (2025). Physics-informed sparse Gaussian processes for model predictive control in building energy systems. In Proceedings of the 11th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 25). Vienna (Austria).
- Wietzke, T., Landgraf, D., & Graichen, K. (2025). Application of stochastic model predictive control for building energy systems using latent force models. At-Automatisierungstechnik, (accepted).
- Cherian, A.J., Michalka, A., Murray, K., Roell, G., & Graichen, K. (2024). Control approaches for operating point stabilization of microring resonator modulators under fast perturbations. In Graham T. Reed, Andrew P. Knights (Eds.), Proceedings Silicon Photonics XIX (pp. 128910D). SPIE.
- Conrad, P., & Graichen, K. (2024). A sensitivity-based approach to self-triggered nonlinear model predictive control. IEEE Access, 12, 153243-153252.
- Dahlmann, J., Graichen, K., & Völz, A. (2024). Ein Konzept zum automatisierten Rangieren von Fahrzeugen mit Anhängern.
- Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Lukassek, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). Local predictive optimization of globally planned motions for truck-trailer systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 32(5), 1555-1568.
- Goller, T., Brohm, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). DMP-based path planning for model predictive interaction control. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 128-133). Stockholm (Sweden).
- Goller, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). A Programming by Demonstration Approach for Robotic Manipulation with Model Predictive Interaction Control. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 799-804). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
- Goppelt-Schneider, F., Schmidt-Vollus, R., & Graichen, K. (2024). Trajectory tracking control for multilevel pressure boosting systems. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). Sinaia, Romania.
- Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). Fault detection in gauge-sensorized strain wave gears. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 26-33). Stockholm (Sweden).
- Kögler, P., Dahlmann, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). Side-Slip Compensation in Model Predictive Path Following Control for General-n-Trailer Systems. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). Sinaia, Romania.
- Lukassek, M., Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Model predictive path-following control for truck–trailer systems with specific guidance points - Design and experimental validation. Mechatronics, 100, 103190.
- Löhe, K., Reinhard, J., Petrasch, N., Kallabis, S., Graichen, K., & Mucha, M. (2024). Work Roll Speed Drop Compensation for Hot Strip Mills Reduces Drivetrain Wear and Increases Strip Quality. In AISTech 2024 — Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference (pp. 1212-1223). Columbus, OH, US: Warrendale, PA: Association for Iron and Steel Technology.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Landgraf, D., Steffel, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Distributed stochastic optimal control of nonlinear systems based on ADMM. In Proceedings of the 63th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2024). Milan (Italy).
- Pierer von Esch, M., Landgraf, D., Steffel, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Distributed Stochastic Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems based on ADMM. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 424-429.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Asynchronous ADMM for Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems. Optimal Control Applications & Methods.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-based distributed model predictive control: synchronous and asynchronous execution compared to ADMM. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 72(2), 91-106.
- Pierer von Esch, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control: Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution Compared to ADMM. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 72(2), 91-106.
- Rabenstein, G., Ullrich, L., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sampling for model predictive trajectory planning in autonomous driving using normalizing flows. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2024) (pp. 2091-2096). Jeju Island (Korea).
- Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). Optimal dynamic current control for externally excited synchronous machines. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 146-152). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., Petrasch, N., Kallabis, S., & Graichen, K. (2024). Dynamic compensation of the threading speed drop in rolling processes. Journal of Process Control, 137, 103197.
- Schumann, M., & Graichen, K. (2024). PINN-based dynamical modeling and state estimation in power inverters. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Snobar, F., Michalka, A., Horn, M., Strohmeyer, C., & Graichen, K. (2024). Sensitivity-based moving horizon estimation of road friction. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (pp. 718-724). Stockholm (Sweden).
- Südhoff, T., Ebner, L., Schmidt, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). GP-based modeling for PSD control of emulsification processes. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). Sinaia, Romania.
- Ullrich, L., Buchholz, M., Dietmayer, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). AI safety assurance for automated vehicles: A survey on research, standardization, regulation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- Ullrich, L., Buchholz, M., Dietmayer, K., & Graichen, K. (2024). Expanding the Classical V-Model for the Development of Complex Systems Incorporating AI. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- Ullrich, L., McMaster, A., & Graichen, K. (2024). Transfer learning study of motion transformer based trajectory predictions. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2024) (pp. 110-117). Jeju Island (Korea).
- Verhoolen, A., Geißelbrecht, M., Kadar, J., Preuster, P., Wasserscheid, P., & Graichen, K. (2024). Bayesian optimization of operating points of a continuous perhydro-dibenzyltoluene dehydrogenation reactor. International Journal of Energy Research.
- Wietzke, T., Gall, J., & Graichen, K. (2024). Occupancy Prediction for Building Energy Systems with Latent Force Models. Energy and Buildings, 113968.
- Dio, M., Demir, O., Trachte, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Safe active learning and probabilistic design of experiment for autonomous hydraulic excavators. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 9685-9690). Detroit, US.
- Dio, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Cooperative dual-arm control for heavy object manipulation based on hierarchical quadratic programming. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 643-648). Detroit, US.
- Frank, R., Wittmann, L.-M., Kleffel, T., Roth, B., Graichen, K., & Drummer, D. (2023). Investigating the Integration of Nonwoven Carbon Fibers for Mechanical Enhancement in Compression Molded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bipolar Plates. Polymers, 15(19).
- Geiling, J., Wagner, L., Auer, F., Ortner, F., Nuß, A., Seyfried, R.,... Preuster, P. (2023). Operational experience with a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) system for bidirectional storage of electrical energy over 725 h. Journal of Energy Storage, 72.
- Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Model predictive interaction control for robotic manipulation tasks. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(1), 76-89.
- Harder, K., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2023). Hierarchical model predictive control for an off-highway Diesel engine with SCR catalyst. International Journal of Engine Research.
- Hoffmann, M., Braun, S., Sura, O., Stelzig, M., Schüßler, C., Graichen, K., & Vossiek, M. (2023). Concept for an Automatic Annotation of Automotive Radar Data Using AI-segmented Aerial Camera Images. In Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference. Sydney, NSW, AU: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Kißkalt, J., Michalka, A., Strohmeyer, C., Horn, M., & Graichen, K. (2023). Simulation chain for sensorized strain wave gears. In Proc. 27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) (pp. 467 - 473). Timisoara (Romania).
- Landgraf, D., Völz, A., Berkel, F., Schmidt, K., Specker, T., & Graichen, K. (2023). Probabilistic prediction methods for nonlinear systems with application to stochastic model predictive control. Annual Reviews in Control, 56, 100905.
- Rohrmüller, M., Beckerle, P., Graichen, K., Malvezzi, M., & Pozzi, M. (2023). In-Hand Manipulation with Synergistic Actuated Robotic Hands: An MPC-Based Approach. In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). Austin, TX, US: IEEE Computer Society.
- Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2023). Improved nonlinear estimation in thermal networks using machine learning. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2023, accepted). Loughborough (UK).
- Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2023). Online learning and adaptation of nonlinear thermal networks for power inverters. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023). Marina Bay Sands (Singapore).
- Snobar, F., Michalka, A., Horn, M., Strohmeyer, C., & Graichen, K. (2023). Rack force estimation from standstill to high speeds by hybrid model design and blending. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM 2023). Loughborough (UK).
- Spenger, P., & Graichen, K. (2023). Performance prediction of NMPC algorithms with incomplete optimization. In Proc. 22nd IFAC World Congress (accepted) (pp. 7456-7461). Yokohama, Japan.
- Ullrich, L., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2023). Robust meta-learning of vehicle yaw rate dynamics via conditional neural processes. In Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Marina Bay Sands (Singapore).
- Bergmann, D., Harder, K., Niemeyer, J., & Graichen, K. (2022). Nonlinear MPC of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine With Learning Gaussian Process Regression. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30(1), 113-129.
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). A modular framework for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear continuous-time systems (GRAMPC-D). Optimization and Engineering, 23, 771-795.
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Improving the performance of distributed model predictive control by applying graph partitioning methods. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). Sinaia (Romania).
- Dahlmann, J., Volz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). A Numerical Approach for Solving the Inversion Problem for n-Trailer Systems. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (pp. 2018-2024). Atlanta, GA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). A numerical approach for solving the inversion problem for general n-trailer systems. In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 2018-2024). Atlanta, GA (USA).
- Dahlmann, J., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2022). Trajectory optimization for truck-trailer systems based on predictive path-following control. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Trieste (Italy).
- Gold, T., Römer, R., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Catching objects with a robot arm using model predictive control. In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 1915-1920). Atlanta, GA (USA).
- Goller, T., Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Model predictive interaction control based on a path-following formulation. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) (pp. 551-556). Guilin (China).
- Graichen, K., & Görges, D. (2022). Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA Fachausschusses 1.50 .,Grundlagen vernetzter Systeme". At-Automatisierungstechnik, 70(4), 315-316.
- Huber, H., Burk, D., & Graichen, K. (2022). Comparison of sensitivity-based and ADMM-based DMPC applied to building automation. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 546-553). Trieste (Italy).
- Kowalewski, J., Lorenz, A., Lomakin, A., Alvarez, R., & Graichen, K. (2022). Circulating current control and energy balancing of a modular multilevel converter using model predictive control for HVDC applications. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022). Brussels (BE).
- Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Nagel, K., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2022). Online Model Predictive Motion Cueing With Real-Time Driver Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 12414-12428.
- Landgraf, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Nonlinear model predictive control with latent force models. In Proceedings 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 4979-4984). Atlanta, GA (USA).
- Landgraf, D., Völz, A., Kontes, G., Graichen, K., & Mutschler, C. (2022). Hierarchical learning for model predictive collision avoidance. In IFAC PapersOnLine (pp. 355-360). Vienna (Austria).
- Makowicki, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2022). Cycle-by-Cycle Combustion Optimisation: Calibration of Data-based Models and Improvements of Computational Efficiency. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, (accepted).
- Rabenstein, G., Demir, O., Trachte, A., & Graichen, K. (2022). Data-driven feed-forward control of hydraulic cylinders using Gaussian process regression for excavator assistance functions. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 962-969). Trieste (Italy).
- Reinhard, J., Löhe, K., & Graichen, K. (2022). Optimal current setpoint computation for externally excited synchronous machines. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. 1319-1326). 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).
- Schumann, M., Ebersberger, S., & Graichen, K. (2022). Dynamic and stationary state estimation of fluid cooled three-phase inverters. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2022). Sorrento (Italy).
- Snobar, F., Reinhard, J., Huber, H., Hoffmann, M., Stelzig, M., Vossiek, M., & Graichen, K. (2022). FOV-based model predictive object tracking for quadcopters. In Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (Mechatronics 2022) (pp. 13 - 18). Los Angeles, CA (USA).
- Stecher, J., Kiltz, L., & Graichen, K. (2022). Semi-infinite programming using Gaussian process regression for robust design optimization. In Proceedings European Control Conference (pp. 52-59). London (UK).
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Experimental validation of the open-source DMPC framework GRAMPC-D applied to the remote-accessible robotarium. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA).
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Towards asynchronous ADMM for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear systems. In Proceedings European Control Conference (ECC 2021) (pp. 1950-1955).
- Gold, T., Rohrmüller, M., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Model predictive interaction control for force closure grasping. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 1018-1023). Austin, TX, USA.
- Huber, H., & Graichen, K. (2021). A sensitivity-based distributed model predictive control algorithm for nonlinear continuous-time systems. In 5th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (pp. (accepted)).
- Lamprecht, A., Emmert, T., & Graichen, K. (2021). Learning-based driver prediction for MPC-based motion cueing algorithms. In Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2021 (DSC) (pp. 133 - 140).
- Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2021). Potential der modellprädiktiven Regelung für Fahrsimulatoren. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 69(2), 155-170.
- Lukassek, M., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2021). Model predictive path-following control for general n-trailer systems with an arbitrary guidance point. In Proceedings European Control Conference (ECC 2021) (pp. 1329-1334).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2021). Gradient-based nonlinear model predictive control for systems with state-dependent mass matrix. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), accepted.
- Bergmann, D., & Graichen, K. (2020). Safe Bayesian Optimization under Unknown Constraints. In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020) (pp. 3592-3597). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Distributed optimization with ALADIN for non-convex optimal control problems. In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020).
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Neighbor approximations for distributed optimal control of nonlinear networked systems. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2020) (pp. 1238-1243).
- Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Nonlinear model predictive torque control and setpoint computation of induction machines for high performance applications. Control Engineering Practice, 99.
- Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2020). Hierarchical predictive control of a combined engine/SCR system with limited model knowledge. SAE International Journal of Engines, 13(2).
- Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2020). Hierarchical Predictive Control of a Combined Engine/Selective Catalytic Reduction System with Limited Model Knowledge. SAE International Journal of Engines, 13(2).
- Gold, T., Lomakin, A., Goller, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Towards a Generic Manipulation Framework for Robots based on Model Predictive Interaction Control. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) (pp. 401 - 407). Beijing, CN.
- Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model Predictive Interaction Control for Industrial Robots. In Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress (pp. 10026 - 10033). Berlin, DE.
- Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model Predictive Position and Force Trajectory Tracking Control for Robot-Environment Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 7397-7402). Las Vegas, NV, USA, US.
- Graichen, K., & Völz, A. (2020). Prädiktive Pfadfolgeregelung für die kollisionsfreie Bewegungsplanung von Robotern.
- Jemaa, K., Kotman, P., Reimann, S., & Graichen, K. (2020). Tube-based internal model control of minimum-phase input-affine MIMO systems under input constraints. In Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress.
- Joos, S., Trachte, A., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2020). Constrained real-time control of hydromechanical powertrains - methodology and practical application. Mechatronics, 71.
- Kruse, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Moving horizon estimation for continuous glucose monitoring. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems (ICBES 20).
- Lomakin, A., Mayr, A., Graichen, K., & Franke, J. (2020). Optimization of direct winding processes based on a holistic control approach. In Proceedings of the Electric Drives Production Conference (E-DPC). Ludwigsburg (D).
- Lukassek, M., Völz, A., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Model predictive control for agricultural machines with implements. In Proceedings 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (pp. 387-392).
- Mayr, A., Kißkalt, D., Lomakin, A., Graichen, K., & Franke, J. (2020). Towards an intelligent linear winding process through sensor integration and machine learning techniques. In Proceedings of the 8th CIRP Global Web Conference – Flexible Mass Customisation (CIRPe 2020).
- Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2020). Learning feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path based on policy gradients. In 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2020). Prädiktive Pfadfolgeregelung für die kollisionsfreie Bewegungsplanung von Robotern. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 68(7), 557-570.
- Bergmann, D., Geiselhart, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Modelling and control of a heavy-duty Diesel engine gas path with Gaussian process regression. In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 1207-1213). Naples (Italy).
- Bergmann, D., & Graichen, K. (2019). Gaußprozessregression zur Modellierung zeitvarianter Systeme. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 67(8), 637-647.
- Bestler, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). Distributed model predictive control for continuous-time nonlinear systems based on suboptimal ADMM. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 40(1), 1-23.
- Burk, D., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). Towards a modular framework for distributed model predictive control of nonlinear neighbor-affine systems. In 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) (pp. 5279-5284). Nice (France).
- Englert, T., Völz, A., Mesmer, F., Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2019). A software framework for embedded nonlinear model predictive control using a gradient-based augmented Lagrangian approach (GRAMPC). Optimization and Engineering, 20(3), 769-809.
- Geiselhart, R., Bergmann, D., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Hierarchical optimization of operational costs of a heavy-duty diesel engine and an exhaust aftertreatment system. In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 1227-1232). Naples (Italy).
- Gold, T., Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). External torque estimation for an industrial robot arm using joint torsion and motor current measurements. In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) (pp. 879-884). Vienna (Austria).
- Graichen, K., & Quevedo, D. (2019). Ausgewählte Beiträge des GMA-Fachausschusses 1.50 "Grundlagen vernetzter Systeme". At-Automatisierungstechnik, 67(12), 988-989.
- Jemaa, K., Kotman, P., Reimann, S., & Graichen, K. (2019). Tube-based internal model control of differentially flat input-affine SISO systems under input constraints. In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) (pp. 158-163). Vienna (Austria).
- Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained online trajectory planning for flat SISO systems using a switched state variable filter. Automatica, (accepted).
- Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained online trajectory planning for nonlinear flat SISO systems using a switched state variable filter. Automatica, 110.
- Joos, S., Bruder, R., Specker, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Echtzeitfähige Trajektoriengenerierung für hochautomatisierte und autonome Fahrzeuge bei Zustands und Stellgrößenbeschränkungen. In VDI Berichte (pp. 285-293). Mannheim, DEU: VDI Verlag GMBH.
- Joos, S., Bruder, R., Specker, T., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Kinematic real-time trajectory planning with state and input constraints for the example of highly automated driving. In Proc. 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2019) (pp. 779-784).
- Joos, S., Trachte, A., Bitzer, M., & Graichen, K. (2019). Constrained real-time swivel angle control for hydraulic axial piston motors. In Joint Conference 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS) and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS)} (pp. 1433-1438). Vienna (Austria).
- Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Comparison between a Filter- and an MPC-based MCA in an Offline Simulator Study. In Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition (DSC) (pp. 101-107). Strasbourg, FR.
- Lamprecht, A., Steffen, D., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2019). Optimal control based reference generation for model predictive motion cueing algorithms. In 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Application (CCTA 2019) (pp. 203-208). Hong Kong (China).
- Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2019). Embedded nonlinear model predictive control of dual-clutch transmissions with multiple groups on a shrinking horizon. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27(5), 2156-2168.
- Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2019). Feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path. In Proc. European Control Conference (ECC 2019) (pp. 620-626). Naples (Italy).
- Mesmer, F., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2019). Learning methods for the feedforward control of a hydraulic clutch actuation path. In Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2019) (pp. 733-738). Hong Kong (China).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2019). A predictive path-following controller for continuous replanning with dynamic roadmaps. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4), 3963-3970.
- Ben Jemaa, K., Kotman, P., & Graichen, K. (2018). Model-based potential analysis of demand-controlled ventilation in buildings. In Proceedings 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD~18) (pp. 92-97). Vienna (Austria).
- Bergmann, D., Buchholz, M., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2018). Gaussian process regression for nonlinear time-varying system identification. In Proceedings 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018) (pp. 3025-3031). Miami Beach, FL (USA).
- Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). A fixed-point iteration scheme for model predictive torque control of PMSMs. In Proceedings 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) (pp. 668-673). Madison, WI (USA).
- Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). Model predictive torque control of PMSMs for high performance applications. Control Engineering Practice, 81(12), 43-54.
- Englert, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). Optimal setpoint computation for constrained torque control of PMSMs. In Proceedings 2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 2671-2677). Limassol (Cyprus).
- Findeisen, R., Graichen, K., & Monnigmann, M. (2018). Eingebettete Optimierung in der Regelungstechnik -- Grundlagen und Herausforderungen. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 66(11), 877-902.
- Graichen, K., & Groell, L. (2018). Optimierung in der Automatisierungstechnik. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 66(11), 875-876.
- Gritschneder, F., Graichen, K., & Dietmayer, K. (2018). Fast trajectory planning for automated vehicles using gradient-based nonlinear model predictive control. In Proceedings 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 7369-7374). Madrid (Spain).
- Harder, K., Buchholz, M., Späder, T., & Graichen, K. (2018). A real-time nonlinear air path observer for off-highway diesel engines. In Proceedings 2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 237-242). Limassol (Cyprus).
- Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2018). Prioritization-based switched feedback control for linear {SISO} systems with time-varying state and input constraints. In Proceedings 2018 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 2935-2940). Limassol (Cyprus).
- Lamprecht, A., Häcker, J., & Graichen, K. (2018). Constrained motion cueing for driving simulators using a real-time nonlinear MPC scheme. In Proceedings 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 7466-7471). Madrid (Spain).
- Mesmer, F., Kiltz, L., & Graichen, K. (2018). Model design for a hydraulic clutch actuation system. In Proceedings 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD~18) (pp. 74-79). Vienna (Austria).
- Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2018). Constrained trajectory planning and actuator design for electromagnetic heating systems. Control Engineering Practice, 74, 191-203.
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2018). An optimization-based approach to dual-arm motion planning with closed kinematics. In Proceedings 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 8346-8351). Madrid (Spain).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2018). Computation of collision distance and gradient using an automatic sphere approximation of the robot model with bounded error. In Proceedings 50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) (pp. 322-329). München (Germany).
- Englert, T., Gruener, S., & Graichen, K. (2017). Model predictive torque control of permanent magnet synchronous machines. In Proceedings 20th IFAC World Congress (pp. 758-763). Toulouse (France).
- Harder, K., Buchholz, M., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2017). A real-time nonlinear MPC scheme with emission constraints for heavy-duty diesel engines. In Proceedings 2017 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 240-245). Seattle, WA (USA).
- Harder, K., Buchholz, M., Niemeyer, J., Remele, J., & Graichen, K. (2017). Nonlinear MPC with emission control for a real-world heavy-duty diesel engine. In Proceedings 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017) (pp. 1768-1773). Munich (Germany).
- Joos, S., Bitzer, M., Karrelmeyer, R., & Graichen, K. (2017). Online trajectory planning for state and input constrained linear SISO systems using a switched state variable filter. In Proceedings 20th IFAC World Congress (pp. 2639-2644). Toulouse (France).
- Makowicki, T., Bitzer, M., Grodde, S., & Graichen, K. (2017). Cycle-by-cycle optimization of the combustion during transient engine operation. In Proceedings 20th IFAC World Congress (pp. 11046-11051). Toulouse (France).
- Mesmer, F., Hentzelt, S., Szabo, T., & Graichen, K. (2017). Optimal control of dual-clutch transmissions with multiple groups. In Proceedings 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017) (pp. 1749-1754). Munich (Germany).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2017). Composition of dynamic roadmaps for dual-arm motion planning. In Proceedings 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017) (pp. 1242-1248). Munich (Germany).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2017). Composition of dynamic roadmaps for dual-Arm motion planning. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2017 (pp. 1242-1248). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2016). Loss-focused predictive thermal management of induction motors in electric vehicles using nonlinear fixed-point MPC. In Proceedings 2016 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC) (pp. 1392-1397). Buenos Aires (Argentina).
- Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2016). Model predictive heating control for electric vehicles using load prediction and switched actuators. In Proceedings 8th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC) (pp. 415-420). Kolmården Wildlife Resort (Sweden).
- Kaepernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2016). Nonlinear model predictive control based on constraint transformation. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 37(4), 807-828.
- Makowicki, T., Bitzer, M., Kotman, P., & Graichen, K. (2016). A combustion cycle model for stationary and transient engine operation. In Proceedings 8th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC) (pp. 479-485). Kolmården Wildlife Resort (Sweden).
- Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2016). Coupled actuator placement and controller design for electromagnetic heating by means of dynamic optimization. In Proceedings 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)" (pp. 4809-4814). Las Vegas (USA).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2016). Distance metrics for path planning with dynamic roadmaps. In Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2016 (pp. 126-132). VDE Verlag GmbH.
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2016). Distance metrics for path planning with dynamic roadmaps. In Proceedings 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) (pp. 126-132). München (Germany).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2016). Gradient-based stochastic model predictive control using the unscented transformation Gradientenbasierte stochastische modellprädiktive Regelung unter Verwendung der Unscented-Transformation. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 64(8), 658-670.
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2016). Gradientenbasierte stochastische modellprädiktive Regelung unter Verwendung der Unscented-Transformation. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 64(8), 658-670.
- Graichen, K. (2015). Nonlinear MPC with fixed-point iterations: numerical and experimental validation. In Proceedings 16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization (CAO'2015) (pp. 62-67). Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).
- Graichen, K. (2015). Nonlinear MPC with fixed-point iterations: Numerical and experimental validation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28(25), 62-67.
- Graichen, K., & Hentzelt, S. (2015). A bi-level nonlinear predictive control scheme for hopping robots with hip and tail actuation. In Proceedings 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015) (pp. 4480-4485). Hamburg (Germany).
- Graichen, K., Hentzelt, S., Hildebrandt, A., Kaercher, N., Gaissert, N., & Knubben, E. (2015). Control design for a bionic kangaroo. Control Engineering Practice, 42, 106-117.
- Graichen, K., Hentzelt, S., Hildebrandt, A., Kaercher, N., Gaissert, N., & Knubben, E. (2015). Modellbasierte Analyse und Bewegungsplanung für das BionicKangaroo. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 63(8), 606-620.
- Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2015). Dynamic optimization of induction heat-up and surface hardening processes on complex spatial domains. In Proceedings 2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC) (pp. 1829-1834). Sydney (Australia).
- Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2015). Dynamische Optimierung von Multiphysik-Problemen am Beispiel induktiver Heizvorgänge. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 9(63), 713-726.
- Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2015). Optimal control of induction heating processes using FEM software. In Proceedings 2015 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 515-520). Linz (Austria).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2015). Stochastic model predictive control of nonlinear continuous-time systems using the unscented transformation. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC 2015 (pp. 3365-3370). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2015). Stochastic model predictive control of nonlinear continuous-time systems using the unscented transformation. In Proceedings 2015 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 3370-3375). Linz (Austria).
- Völz, A., & Graichen, K. (2015). Stochastische modellprädiktive Regelung unsicherer nichtlinearer Systeme basierend auf der Unscented-Transformation. In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 293-301). Salzburg (Austria).
- Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2014). Slip-constrained model predictive control allocation for an all-wheel driven electric vehicle. In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 12042-12047). Cape Town (South Africa).
- Baechle, T., Graichen, K., Buchholz, M., & Dietmayer, K. (2014). Vehicle dynamic control in challenging driving situations using nonlinear model predictive control allocation. In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 346-351). Nice (France).
- Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2014). Experimental results for distributed model predictive control applied to a water distribution system. In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 1100-1106). Nice (France).
- Hentzelt, S., Maucher, R., Kaepernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). Distributed solution of constrained optimal control problems using the alternating direction method of multipliers. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 915-916.
- Kaepernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). PLC implementation of a nonlinear model predictive controller. In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 1892-1897). Cape Town (South Africa).
- Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). Nichtlineare modellprädiktive Regelung auf SPS. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, 56, 38-46.
- Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2014). The gradient based nonlinear model predictive control software GRAMPC. In Proceedings 13th European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 1170-1175). Strasbourg (France).
- Käpernick, B., Süß, S., Schubert, E., & Graichen, K. (2014). A synthesis strategy for nonlinear model predictive controller on FPGA. In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 662-667). Loughborough (UK).
- Nohr, M., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Kinetic modelling of an industrial semi-batch alkoxylation reactor for control studies. In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 623-628). Loughborough (UK).
- Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Efficient state constraint handling for MPC of the heat equation. In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 663-668). Loughborough (UK).
- Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Ertragsmaximierung für einen katalytischen Festbett\-reaktor mittels dynamischer Optimierung. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 62(2), 92-103.
- Utz, T., Braun, M., Freckmann, G., & Graichen, K. (2014). Model of the glucose-insulin system of type-1 diabetics and optimization-based bolus calculation. In Proceedings 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control (pp. 587-592). Loughborough (UK).
- Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2014). Thermal modelling and optimization-based control of a batch diffusion furnace. In Proceedings 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (pp. 474-479). Nice (France).
- Utz, T., Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2014). Constraint handling in optimization-based control of a heat-up problem using a transformation approach. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 909-910.
- Utz, T., Rhein, S., & Graichen, K. (2014). Transformation approach to constraint handling in optimal control of the heat equation. In Proceedings 19th IFAC World Congress (pp. 9135-9140). Cape Town (South Africa).
- Baechle, T., Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2013). Nonlinear model predictive control of a magnetic levitation system. Control Engineering Practice, 21(9), 1250-1258.
- Claasen, G., Graichen, K., & Martin, P. (2013). Symmetrieerhaltende Datenfusion für optisch-inertiales Tracking. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 61(8), 596-608.
- Claasen, G., Martin, P., & Graichen, K. (2013). Error growth due to noise during occlusions in inertially-aided tracking systems. In Proceedings 2013 IEEE Intern. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 5781-5787). Karlsruhe (Germany).
- Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2013). An augmented Lagrangian method in distributed dynamic optimization based on approximate neighbor dynamics. In Proceedings IEEE Intern. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2013) (pp. 571-576). Manchester (UK).
- Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2013). Model predictive control of an overhead crane using constraint substitution. In Proceedings 2013 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 3979-3984). Washington, DC (USA).
- Käpernick, B., & Graichen, K. (2013). Transformation of output constraints in optimal control applied to a double pendulum on a cart. In Proceedings 9th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 193-198). Toulouse (Italy).
- Käpernick, B., Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2013). A parallelizable decomposition approach for constrained optimal control problems. In Proceedings 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 5783-5788). Florence (Italy).
- Rhein, S., Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2013). Model predictive control and moving horizon estimation of a large-scale chemical reactor model. In Proceedings 1st {IFAC} Symposium on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE) (pp. 121-126). Paris (France).
- Takenaka, M., Zehrmann, A., Brennicke, A., & Graichen, K. (2013). Improved computational target site prediction for Pentatricopeptide repeat RNA editing factors. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e65343.
- Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2013). Two-degrees-of-freedom optimization-based control and estimation of a parabolic equation system. In Proceedings 2013 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 384-389). Washington, DC (USA).
- Utz, T., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2013). Combined feedforward/model predictive tracking control design for nonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction-systems. In F. Tröltzsch DH (Eds.), System Modeling and Optimization. (pp. 296-305). Vienna (Austria): Springer.
- Egretzberger, M., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2012). Flatness-based MPC and global path planning towards cognition-supported pick-and-place tasks of tower cranes. In Irschik H, Krommer M, Belyaev A (Eds.), Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines. (pp. 63-71). Vienna (Austria): Springer.
- Graichen, K. (2012). A fixed-point iteration scheme for real-time model predictive control. Automatica, 48(7), 1300-1305.
- Graichen, K., & Käpernick, B. (2012). A real-time gradient method for nonlinear model predictive control. In Zheng T (Eds.), Frontiers of Model Predictive Control. (pp. 9-28). InTech (open access).
- Graichen, K., & Käpernick, B. (2012). Nonlinear MPC with systematic handling of a class of constraints. In Oberwolfach Report No. 12/2012 (Workshop ``Control Theory: Mathematical Perspectives on Complex Networked Systems'') (pp. 17-18). Oberwolfach (Germany).
- Hentzelt, S., & Graichen, K. (2012). Dual decomposition of optimal control problems with coupled nonlinear dynamics. In CD-ROM Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012). Vienna (Austria).
- Utz, T., & Graichen, K. (2012). Computationally efficient receding horizon trajectory tracking control for a tubular reactor example. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 12, 721-722.
- Graichen, K., & Utz, T. (2011). Combined feedforward/model predictive tracking control design for nonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction-systems. In Proceedings 25th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization. Berlin (Germany).
- Steinboeck, A., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2011). Dynamic optimization of a slab reheating furnace with consistent approximation of control variables. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16(6), 1444-1456.
- Steinboeck, A., Graichen, K., Wild, D., Kiefer, T., & Kugi, A. (2011). Model-based trajectory planning, optimization, and open-loop control of a continuous slab reheating furnace. Journal of Process Control, 21(2), 279-292.
- Steinböck, A., Graichen, K., Kugi, A., & Wild, D. (2011). A mathematical model of a slab reheating furnace for simulation, control, and optimization. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM). Düsseldorf (Germany).
- Graichen, K., Egretzberger, M., & Kugi, A. (2010). Ein suboptimaler Ansatz zur schnellen modellprädiktiven Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 58(8), 447-456.
- Graichen, K., Egretzberger, M., & Kugi, A. (2010). Suboptimal model predictive control of a laboratory crane. In Proceedings 8th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 397-402). Bologna (Italy).
- Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2010). Stability and incremental improvement of suboptimal MPC without terminal constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(11), 2576-2580.
- Graichen, K., Petit, N., Kugi, A., & Chaplais, F. (2010). Handling constraints in optimal control with saturation functions and system extension. Systems & Control Letters, 59(11), 671-679.
- Kiefer, T., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2010). Trajectory tracking of a 3DOF laboratory helicopter under input and state constraints. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 18(4), 944-952.
- Utz, T., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2010). Trajectory planning and receding horizon tracking control of a quasilinear diffusion-convection-reaction system. In Proceedings 8th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 587-592). Bologna (Italy).
- Graichen, K., Kiefer, T., & Kugi, A. (2009). Real-time trajectory optimization under input constraints for a flatness-controlled laboratory helicopter. In Proceedings 10th European Control Conference (ECC). Budapest (Hungary).
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2009). Incorporating a class of constraints into the dynamics of optimal control problems. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 30(6), 537-561.
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2009). Incorporating a class of constraints into the dynamics of optimal control problems. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 30(6), 537-561.
- Kotman, P., Bitzer, M., Graichen, K., & Kugi, A. (2009). Hybrid modeling of a two-stage turbocharged diesel engine air system. In Proceedings 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD~09) (pp. 2015-2024). Vienna (Austria).
- Ponssard, C., Graichen, K., Petit, N., & Laurent-Varin, J. (2009). Ascent optimization for a heavy space launcher. In Proceedings 10th European Control Conference (ECC). Budapest (Hungary).
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). A continuation approach to state and adjoint calculation in optimal control applied to the reentry problem. In Proceedings 17th IFAC World Congress (pp. 14307-14312). Seoul, Korea.
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). Constructive methods for initialization and handling mixed state-input constraints in optimal control. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 31(5), 1334-1343.
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). Constructive methods for initialization and handling mixed state-input constraints in optimal control. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 31(5), 1334-1343.
- Graichen, K., & Petit, N. (2008). Solving the Goddard problem with thrust and dynamic pressure constraints using saturation functions. In Proceedings of the 17th World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC. Seoul.
- Graichen, K., Petit, N., & Kugi, A. (2008). Transformation of optimal control problems with a state constraint avoiding interior boundary conditions. In Proceedings 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 913-920). Cancun (Mexico).
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2008). Feedforward control design for finite-time transition problems of nonlinear systems with input and output constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53(5), 1273-1278.
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2008). Feedforward control design for finite-time transition problems of nonlinear systems with input and output constraints. IEEETransactions on Automatic Control, 53(5), 1273-1278.
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2008). Feedforward control design for nonlinear MIMO systems under input constraints. International Journal of Control, 81(3), 417-427.
- Graichen, K., Treuer, M., & Zeitz, M. (2007). Swing-up of the double pendulum on a cart by feedforward and feedback control with experimental validation. Automatica, 43(1), 63-71.
- Graichen, K. (2006). Feedforward Control Design for Finite-Time Transition Problems of Nonlinear Systems with Input and Output Constraints. Aachen (Germany): Shaker Verlag.
- Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Feedforward control with online parameter estimation applied to the Chylla-Haase reactor benchmark. Journal of Process Control, 16(7), 733-745.
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). A new approach to feedforward control design under output constraints applied to the side-stepping of the triple inverted pendulum. In Proceedings 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS 2006) (pp. 181-186). Heidelberg (Germany).
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Inversionsbasierter Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Ein- und Ausgangsbeschränkungen. At-Automatisierungstechnik, 54(4), 187-199.
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2006). Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Eingangsbeschränkungen für nichtlineare Mehrgrößensysteme. In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 245-260). Bosen (Germany).
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- Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Adaptive feedforward control with parameter estimation for the Chylla-Haase polymerization reactor. In Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference (CDC--ECC) (pp. 3049-3054). Sevilla (Spain).
- Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2005). A new approach to inversion-based feedforward control design for nonlinear systems. Automatica, 41(12), 2033-2041.
- Graichen, K., Treuer, M., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Fast side-stepping of the triple inverted pendulum via constrained nonlinear feedforward control design. In Proceedings 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference (CDC--ECC) (pp. 1096-1101). Sevilla (Spain).
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Feedforward control design for nonlinear systems under input constraints. In T. Meurer, K. Graichen, E.D. Gilles (Eds.), Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems. (pp. 235-252). Berlin (Germany): Springer.
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Nonlinear feedforward and feedback tracking control with input constraints solving the pendubot swing-up problem. In Proceedings 16th IFAC World Congress (pp. 1112-1117). Prague (CZ).
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Vorsteuerungsentwurf mit Ausgangsbeschränkungen am Beispiel von Mehrfachpendeln. In Proceedings GMA Fachausschuss 1.40 ``Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'' (pp. 39-49). Bosen (Germany).
- Meurer, T., Graichen, K., & Gilles, E.D. (Eds.) (2005). Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems. Berlin (Germany): Springer.
- Meurer, T., Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2005). Motion planning and feedforward control for distributed parameter systems under input constraints. In Proceedings 16th IFAC World Congress (pp. 934-939). Prague (CZ).
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- Graichen, K., Hagenmeyer, V., & Zeitz, M. (2004). Van de Vusse CSTR as a benchmark problem for nonlinear feedforward control design techniques. In Proceedings 6th IFAC Symposium ``Nonlinear Control Systems'' (NOLCOS) (pp. 1123-1128). Stuttgart (Germany).
- Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2004). Swing-up of a pendubot under input constraints. In Proceedings 49th Ilmenau International Scientific Colloquium (pp. 393-398). Ilmenau (Germany).
- Bitzer, M., Graichen, K., & Zeitz, M. (2003). Model-based trajectory control of pressure swing adsorption plants. In Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2003) (pp. 627-632). Hong Kong (China).