
Kaja Wille joined our team in August as a new research assistant. Kaja will be working on Discrete Event Systems with an interest in using methods of Supervisory Control Theory.

Category: General

On June 23, our employee Lars Ullrich was awarded the "Hanns-Voith-Stiftungspreis 2023" in the "Innovation & Technology/Artificial Intelligence" category for his master thesis "Analyzing the Effect of Design Choices in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning". The award ceremony took place in Heidenh...

Category: General

Since January, Philipp Kögler has strengthened our team at the Chair of Automatic Control as a new research assistant. Philipp is working on the POV.OS project and is concerned with the development of a modular and learning control and planning concept for professional operation vehicles.  ...

Category: General

The Chair of Automatic Control is involved in the recently accepted BMWK-funded project „Agent-based data-driven modeling for stochastic and self-adjusting control of building energy systems“ (AGENT-2) together with RWTH Aachen, Robert Bosch GmbH and Bosch Building Automation GmbH. The goal of the ...

Category: General

The joint research project "POV.OS - Hardware and software platform for mobile professional operation vehicles" funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) aims at developing an innovative automation platform for mobile professional operation vehicles bas...

Category: General

AUTOtech.agil (Architektur und Technologien zur Orchestrierung automobiltechnischer Agilität) is the follow-up project to UNICARagil that started in October 2022 within the funding guideline „Elektronik und Softwareentwicklungsmethoden für die Digitalisierung der Automobilität (Mannheim)“. More info...

Category: General

We are pleased to welcome Thorben Südhoff as a new employee at the chair from October. Thorben will work on concepts for model-based control of particulate processes.

Category: General

At the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications 2022 (CCTA), our colleague Julian Dahlmann received the Outstanding Student Paper Award for his paper „Trajectory Optimization for Truck-Trailer Systems Based on Predictive Path-Following Control“. Congratulations to Julian!

Category: General